GT Fan
Well done Sir you made me laugh with that last line.And yeah, as a vegetarian for 35+ years, someone's eating my share of them. Vegetarianism is a minority sport though (roughly 10% of the population are either vegan or vegetarian. They just feel more prevalent because they'll tell you):
I choose steaks because that's the comparison the video I linked to earlier made - and it does demonstrate the carbon impact of some of the foods we eat (posters were previously sceptical that human + extra food + bike was more emissions than human + less food + ebike).
I can totally believe human + less food + ebike is a better result for the environment.
The calorie intake for a Tour de France rider is often quoted as 5,000 to 8,000 KiloCals per day depending on the stage and riders have lost weight over the course of the 3 week because it's hard to consume that many healthy calories.
In comparison you usually put 1.4x the energy into a battery compared to what you can later get back out it, but electric motors are often 90+% efficient at converting electrical energy into rotating mechanical energy, so a roughly for every 1KwH of energy turned into moving a bike you need 1.5KwH of energy into the battery, therefore a ebike is approx 66% efficient at turning energy into motion.
In contrast most ICE cars struggle to better 30% efficiency and the energy requirements to move 90Kg of human + 1500Kg of car verses 90Kg of human + 25Kg of ebike is a very one-sided equation.
I hear you re: bike maintenance costs, but the Trek report cited in the video does talk about lifecycle emissions which presumably has a figure for maintenance emissions - and they are also assuming a bike (of either kind) lasts approx 20K km. That doesn't feel wildly off the mark.
That sounds like a modern bike is not built to last anything like as well as old bikes, my old ten speed racer I had BITD lasted me many more miles than that and the only stuff I bought regularly for it was tyres, brake blocks and spray paint (the paint was 'cos I kept pulling it apart and respraying it to match the bikes I saw racing on TV)
If an ebike gets people out of their cars then that can only be a good thing, assuming the ebike lasts longer than a couple of years. Ideally it should last a decade or two with some maintenance and a few battery replacements as they wear out and hopefully the batteries can be easily recycled.