I don't get why some people don't get ebikes.

I know a few who are leaving the car at home thanks to having an 'easy' option to get into the hills. I'm all for that; and one of our primary hopes is to get into that position regarding our favourite local rides. For that we need a minimum of thirty miles 'real' range. I don't see me wanting to use an assist bike day to day though. I bet they all say that!
It's not the water. It is in the design:

"The 71-year-old’s £5,000 Cube bike with a fourth-generation Bosch electric motor stopped working outside the warranty.
Although it was resurrected by a software update and did not require a replacement, he says that after trawling the various cycling forums he was astonished by the number of motors that have had to be replaced."

They are doing it on purpose.
“I have seen multiple reports of riders having between three and five replacements over two years. They appear to suffer error codes after minor shocks or being too close to a magnetic source.

“Riders’ bikes have stopped working after they simply leant their bike against a lamp-post, or rode over a [magnetic] traffic light sensor grid in the road."

Grrrrrrrr. And the article did not even mention fires