I don't get why some people don't get ebikes.

I’m aware of these rights, but what I’m not aware of is the right of the manufacturer to only honour a 2-year warranty and leave the retailer to pick up the pieces.
Sounds good - make some crap stuff, talk someone else in to sell it on your behalf and when the muck hits the fan you’re sat on a beach somewhere while the middle man takes all the flack.
I definitely must be missing something, perhaps my new diet is to blame.
Well I hate them, I go hiking in my area where most of the footpaths say no cycling. Since E-bikes came along most of the bikes I see messing up the paths are E-bikes. These people are not typical cyclist but now the E-bike can drag their fat asses up the hills in my area they like to go as fast as they can forcing the hikers out of the way and eroding the paths and turning them to mud. These paths are very old mining paths and some from even before that, they never used to be in this state until the last few years. The riders also bloomin remove the no cycling signs and cut through farmers fences so they don't have to keep getting off to go through the gates, So sod E-bikes...

Umm, I've just bought one, an "E-assist bike" and I love it and no I don't ride it on the footpaths just the tarmac roads 😛
I'm coming back from injury and it's getting me back out again most days, I really enjoy it. However I do want to get back onto a "proper bike" as soon as possible. Its very hilly where I live and its been great to get back out.

I bought it used and have spent a small fortune on it, its very heavy, battery range is terrible and its horrid to ride when battery low or off. I'm about to get the battery serviced, probably with brand new cells from a good company which cost as much as a new crappy unbranded battery and will have put my total spend more than if I had just gone out and bought a brand new E-bike.

So I finally "Get Them", they can be great and have a use... I can't wait to not need it and buy something I actually want to own again. So there, they are far from perfect but suit some peoples needs and can be a way of getting people back out there, it is building my fitness up again to the point where I shouldn't need E-assist in the not too distant future.

Thanks for reading my bloomin blog, please don''t forget to like and subscribe 🤪
If they by law had to turn off assist when going uphill next to tubs on his old knackered push bike I think they'd be more tolerable. Or at least they should be forced to pretend to be winded or struggling in a solidaric way.

*I would extend this legislation to non motorised bicycle operators who seemingly are too fit, as we cannot be sure it isn't due to automised engine implants. Check their travel history. If they've been to Turkey, ever, bam! There falls the hammer of judgement.
I’m a fit guy 😂 and an e-bike owner. When I’m out on the ebike, I actually apologise to any riders I overtake on the hills.

When I’m climbing on a normal bike, anyone that overtakes me on an ebike and doesn’t apologise gets verbally abused in my head.

Actually, anyone that overtakes me on a normal bike gets abuse as well.
I'm coming back from injury and it's getting me back out again most days, I really enjoy it. However I do want to get back onto a "proper bike" as soon as possible. Its very hilly where I live and its been great to get back out.

A week and a half after coming out of hospital after major abdominal surgery, I was riding mine. I could barely walk 200 yards, and was still getting home visits from a community nurse but I was cycling 8-10 miles on my ebike. Since the surgery, it has become a staple part of my transport. I use it for commuting and picking up the shopping and firewood, but for recreation I use a normal bike.

There's a guy I go out mountain biking with. Pushing 70, but due to a motorcross background - absolutely fearless and highly skilled. He had one of his lungs removed a while back, and an ebike keeps him riding.
I’m a fit guy 😂 and an e-bike owner. When I’m out on the ebike, I actually apologise to any riders I overtake on the hills.

When I’m climbing on a normal bike, anyone that overtakes me on an ebike and doesn’t apologise gets verbally abused in my head.

Actually, anyone that overtakes me on a normal bike gets abuse as well.
Love that. Should add that I'm only messing anyway. I see more and more e-bikers here, and my only problems with it now has to do with cheap borderline disposible ebikes being sold to the gullible. On my daily leisure rides or when running errands I occasionally see more electric bikes than normal ones. Pretty crazy. All ages too, but primarily the elderly or people with a physique that doesn't lend itself well to a more active lifestyle. They've been coming out with some non obligatory guidelines for elderly ebikers here, as there's pretty significant increased risk of injury for them, so that's good.

Much prefer them to cars 👍