Today's Ride


Today-Saturday-We went up to the West of town to Tamarancho for some fun-there were a lot of riders out today-it's cool, about 52 F. and a high overcast sky. They say we will get some more rain this week- it' beginning to feel like a pre drought winter again :cool: . Not very much mud at all yet, probably because the extremely dry ground is still soaking it up...


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Today-Thursday- After 4 days of on and off rain, we went up into the hills to the West of town to check it out. The trails in the woods up high drain well and have a canopy of trees, so they still aren't very muddy yet. We did find a little, though, but not much. I can't say that I miss it, but we really need the water in California right now...


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Looked out of the window this morning and it was raining as usual was kinda regretting my decision not to go to Manchester bike jumble and decided to stay in bed a bit longer which paid off, by the time I got out of bed the rain had stopped and roads had dried out so there was no excuses a bit of a head wind going out which is always good and a nice tail wind going home. a bit of sun made the ride and with views like this what more can you ask for :D


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... it has stopped raining so I forced myself to do a short ride. Less muddy than I expected, most of the mud being from a previous ride. Photos to prove it, one of them of a red kite.


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rode dalby forest, got wet, muddy and im tired.......and i may have killed some forks and seatpost.... no pics, too busy trying to get back to a warm car

Today-Sunday-We rode up the steepest paved street in Fairfax (30% grade) on the way to the woods above town. That is a good way to warm up on an otherwise chilly day- about 52 F.-Getting a bit muddy now, as the ground has finally gotten saturated after 4 years of drought. Four of our five main lakes in the Water District are now full and spilling :) ...


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Today-Tuesday-Nice out, about 52 F. and partly overcast. It's turning green around here finally...


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Today-Thursday-A ride to the Bay today, before the next passing rainstorm hits-just made it! About 52 F. here-couldn't resist a pic of a nice Ducati along the way...


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Yesterday. A crisp, but sadly not cold enough to harden everything off, ride. The winter hack handled it well.

First snow.


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