Today's Ride


Today-Tuesday-No snow here, thankfully- today was a perfect day to ride, around 58 F. and sunny. we managed to find some mud, but nothing like I see you guys in the UK have been posting up-yet. We rode up to the Lakes, and while on a break up in the Water district, a Bell Jet Ranger Helicopter flew right over the top of us and landed about 200 feet away in a storage yard the water district uses...


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Today-Wednesday-Today was even nicer than yesterday, about 65 F. and sunny. About 12 road miles on the Funk today to do errands by the Bay...


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Today-Saturday- Semi cloudy and 58 F.-we rode up to the Scout camp, about 900' climb. I had a good angle for the shot of all 3 of Mt. Tam's Peaks...


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    East, Middle, West, Peaks of Tam.jpg
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Today-Sunday-A number of days of good dry weather coming up, as it was today-sunny and about 58 F.-up 900' to the West, to the council rocks for a rest-then the big descent back...


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Today-Friday-A beautiful Spring like day, about 64 F.-Rode up past Phoenix Lake into the Water District on Tam with Charlie Kelly today...


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Not today been raining and wind is a howlin outside.

Will stay in and listen to kasabian again.

Today-Saturday-Wow, an even nicer, warmer day than yesterday-in the high 60's F.-even some wildflowers are popping up- I rode up to Tamarancho and was kinda amazed by the large amount of riders-they were also holding an event for the local High School race teams,so that added to the crowd.-Still, an excellent day for a ride. They have finally added a drinking fountain on the loop...


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    Fresh Wildflowers in February.jpg
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