Retrobike Spring Meet 07 - The Aftermath

Ehhh, I'm envious, Me! Good ter see ye had a Spiffing Day Out with Lashings of Beer, etc.........
Have to try to get to the next one, or have another 'EreOop Noorth in't land of Sheep and Police Cautions...........

Absolutely top day out, will be posting a full run down later in the week when I have had a chance to gather my thoughts and get over the pain of all my crashes !

Couple of pics below but full set are on my gallery, link at bottom.




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Yup, a cracking (if utterly knackering!) ride, many thanks to James, Chris and Joe for organising and directing a great ride, and to everyone who was there for turning up! Comiserations to Scarlett, my other half, who did indeed pop her kneecap out of place on the initial road climb - thankfully it popped back in on the way back to the car, and she's back on horseback today (albeit still in pain!). My left knee seems to have given up in sympathy as well...

The singletrack was fantastic, far more technical than I'd expected, or ever ridden, but the Kona held up well - despite getting ridiculous amounts of chainsuck every time I tried to use the granny ring, which given some of the climbs was quite a bit.

Really loking forward to the next one... :)

Suppose I'd better go clean the bike now... ;) <sigh>
I enjoyed it so much (even towing Sylvain back to the car) that I went out on the Ibis again today for the "normal" Addiscombe Sunday mountainbike ride.

Good to meet you all and put faces to most of the names.
Thanks for a great ride chaps, good to meet you all too. Some of that singletrack was beautiful, 'flowing' is a word that I heard alot. Really enjoyed the day, and the evening at the local curry youth club :)
Cheers all for a great day out!

First time riding around there for me and am impressed! Fun place to ride. If only Joe hadn't slowed me down with a puncture.. :wink: Bit nipply by the tower mind while we regrouped, thanks Hilts for the jersey :)

Great guides aswell Chris/Joe - good job.

Have seen some class photos from the day, but much respect to Sylvain who has taken the best pic of me riding in 16 years. Awesome job..


Thing that amazed me most was the lack of mechanicals. Irony being the only terminal failure was on a new school hub. No one would have bet on that.

Finally got in at just after 2am, long day, but well worth it. Good ride, good company.
Great ride Guys thank you loads.
For me it was very very odd to ride MY local trails on a retro bike. It really made such a difference to have no brakes narrow strung out bars and painfully difficult shifting (from braking so bloody hard for so long), never mind the saddle from retro-hell poking me in the bottom.
But then at the end I had way more of a workout than any ride in the area for more than a year!
Photo was taken in a rush but glad you like it gump - I'll send you the original.

For info, my DT Hugi is not that new skool, think it's from around '95. Ti freehub body and axle version. I have not taken it apart yet to assess the damage (I suspect trying to ride it for 5 miles after failure didn't help) as missing the tools I lent on the day and didn't manage to get back.

Oh and kingroon, give the carbon Flite a second chance, but not pointing skywards this time :wink: