Retrobike Spring Meet 07 - The Aftermath

Hey guy! Great ride yesterday - what a fantastic day. Thanks to everyone for organsing it but especially to Mark's dad (i think?) for getting my legs working again and to Chris for nursing me back to to the car park. in all my years of competitive sport my legs have never locked solid with cramp like that!

I loved the route - some great climbs and flowing singletrack - and woulod definately be up for a revisit this summer.

My quote of the day goes to Kingroon, who have just ridden through a puddle about 1mm deep proclaims "I love mud!"
Great day out guys

I'm definitely going to make it out on a retro steed next time. If only to stop the piss taking about going modern!

And just to prove the point that it's not about the bike, despite having lovely plush Fox forks, I was still struggling on the technical single track descents, my wrists are still killing me. Big respect to all of you riding rigid forks!

There was also the little matter of being last up most of the climbs due to my stupendous lack of fitness.

And OK 1.5" Cross Countrys were not the right tyre choice, I seem to remember the North Downs being sticky clay when I last rode there about 15 years ago. The sandy soil made bike control on such skinny tyres "interesting".

Nevertheless it was great fun, I haven't laughed some much on a ride in ages. Thanks to all concerned.

Now where did I put those pain killers?
i think we need to ride without hats... or atleast take bikes into the pub! lol!!! haddnt realised that big camera and krazy pink yeti went together! your a better man than i! that bike must have been so stiff (or should that be responsive!) id never have dared take camera as big as that out on it!!! :)

so many great pics!!! shame the gallery is a little sluggish :(
Would everyone do me the honour/ favour of posting their details on the thread below as I have got everyone confused and can't remember names properly!

My body hates me today.. Ouch.. Hamstrings like industrial cables.. :P

Big big thanks to Hilts, Wu, John, Chris and everyone else who helped organise this Epic Day.. What a great ride..

Those Druids are still cracking me up "Raaar!" hahahahaha :lol:
News breaking today, Robert Smith from the Cure found dead in North Downs, police are hunting the owner of a pair of Amber walled panaracers ... Seriously though, what were that lot up to ??