Retrobike Spring Meet 07 - The Aftermath

gump":m1ekd2l2 said:
not sure on the druids. The goth in forrest was a bit surreal too :shock:

Oh yeah - was that the dour looking strumpy teenage goth as we neared the end? I always look at the clock when I see things like that in case it's on crimewatch a couple of months later! :shock:

Roon, did another 27 miler on the cross bike yesterday - i don't think i have any hamstrings left!

Best bit about riding Sat? Meeting up with everyone - what a genuinely lovely bunch of riding buddies - a joy all - thank you.

brilliant ride, better than I could have hoped for (as already's been said fantastic flowing singletrack), it was cool to see everyone and to be remininded that there was a reason we moved to having suspension and vees/discs.. :lol: I remember muttering something about being reunited with the 'purity' of mountain biking :D

sorry I whizzed off at the end and that i didn't get to say goodbye to everyone, was intending to go back to the pub but didn't realise the time until i got to the car (had 30mins to get home and a 90min journey.. :shock: )

and in a radio DJ stylee, a big shout out to sylvain for the lending of a cassette & tools, without whom I'd not have been retro, top chap 8)
Guys (&Gal)

I am writing a round up of the day for the site, if you have any funny comments, stories or observations from the day please drop me a PM with the details on and I will try and include them.

Thanks to everyone there...Enjoyed the ride and the evening session...
Think the comments and pictures capture the day...Good work with the cameras. :)
Was lovely to meet you all - albeit briefly... knee went pop halfway up the hill after leaving the car park, made it up to Nirvana Cycles with fingers crossed I had just tweaked it but sadly no so I had to limp and freewheel back to the car - thank god its an auto - and went home. Poor Kona was most displeased... Deffo worth coming back for the curry though.... :)

Said knee felt better yesterday but think it was just that I had overdosed on painkillers and is bloody killing me today... no bikes for me this week...

will hopefully last a bit longer next time :)
Poor Scarlett,

I felt terrible for you - not least because you were going to have to sit an a Jeep all day and get cold and bored. - Didn't know you went home!

If you guys are only in Guildford, wanna hook up and ride Surrey/ sussex some time?

I've got a feeling that there may well be a re-union there anyway before long. It was such a great place to ride that we ought to really.

Keep in touch as I'm only 40 mins away from you guys.

Just gave the bike a clean after the weekend and found something quite alarming :shock: but it all now click's into place.

Picture the scene - it's the second run of the day down the 'Telegraph' and i've just stumbled on one of the roots stopping 'Roon' in his tracks behind me (Sorry Roon, i do apologise mate :oops: ). Anyway back on the bike and off in pursuit of Matt on the Shock-a-Billy. Off one of the many little drops and there is a loud crack. Everything seems fine so i carry on - then i get out of the saddle for a bit of 'power' but i cannot physically get out of the saddle, and i don't mean i'm knackered, i seem to be fixed to the saddle. Move around a bit and my shorts come free and release me - I assume that my shorts must have been caught over the back of the saddle - If only i knew what i know now............. :shock:

I was also riding on a Flite Carbon (Same as Kingroon) and closer inspection of it has led me to find an inch long split at the back of the saddle. My shorts must have been trapped in the split when the saddle flexed. I feel like a very lucky man at the moment and i don't want to think about what could of happened :shock:

On a different note - For Sale: Flite Evolution 1 saddle that i believe was used by Tomac and Overend and has a special 'fibreglass reinforcing panel' on the back of the saddle. This is obviously a very special one off saddle so stupidly large offers invited!! :lol: :lol: :lol: