Repro FUNK rigid mountain bike fat fork - Its finally been done and finished

I think, from time to time I will add some "best of making of" images that I took along the way. I think I will keep it short any mostly self explanatory.

Image #01: It all startet April 23rd, 2023 when I took one original fork I got from a friend of mine with me to my girl living and working in Denmark and during some lonely home-office afternoon, I made some very simple and basic pencil drawings and took some measurements:

Funk fork making of by Falko Schlötel Germany 01.jpg
Happy new year 2025 everybody!

More images from "behind the scenes": ...with the help of some quite simple shop-templates and helpers for my machines, I am now able to (re)create the different tubes I need(ed):

Funk fork making of by Falko Schlötel Germany 02.jpeg

Funk fork making of by Falko Schlötel Germany 03.jpeg

Funk fork making of by Falko Schlötel Germany 04.jpeg
3 more random "making of..." pictures.

Tube notching, coarse! Then cleaning the parts all up and sanding them a little as preparation for welding. And other parts:

Funk fork making of by Falko Schlötel Germany 11.webp

Funk fork making of by Falko Schlötel Germany 12.webp

Funk fork making of by Falko Schlötel Germany 13.webp