boy"O"boy's 1989 Serotta Off-road Pro-flex prototype

Another bag of Haribo gets a 2nd go at the seat tube hole repair. Filed back and sorted, it's then into etch primer. This was then followed by several coats of filler primer, plenty of wet sanding working through the grades to smooth the imperfections.
White primer was used as laying the red down on a grey primer would slightly darken the colour matched to original red.
Lots of little 'pock marks' on the top tube filled up by the primer coats.

Primer coats taken right through to 1200 grit smoothness.

Finally. Pleased with the Primer coats, it's into the 1st pass of red.
Red was Colour matched by paint store in Leamington. Note they've actually labeled it Offroad / Pro flex red.

Couple more coats and then onto the 2K Lacquer finish. Starting to come together slowly.

That red looks great!
How do you paint the parts of the frame that it is resting on? Did you hang it on something and only put it down when it was dry?
That red looks great!
How do you paint the parts of the frame that it is resting on? Did you hang it on something and only put it down when it was dry?
@Thias Good question! was painted upside down 1st. This was allowed to dry. Being a solvent based paint, it cured pretty quickly. It was then turned the way you see in the pics and painted again.
It was allowed to cure over the weekend and then wet flatted with 1500 grit today and painted standing upright. The colour is actually flat when it's dry, not shiny as you see it in the pics.
It gets a grey scotchbrite pad next and is then off to the paint shop to get a clear coat with 2K lacquer in a temperature controlled booth.
The paint shop at work doesn't have the time to do all the prep work I've done here.... it's fairly easy to get someone to clear coat as it's added to a vehicle exterior that's already going through the paint shop and the lacquer is already in the gun.

More painted pics to follow soon.....then onto the best bit! Assembly 👍🏻🏆

Hi all.
The next update has taken a little longer than expected. It's taken a few weeks for time/space to become available to apply the 2K lacquer in the paint booth. Finally, it's done and the frame is back home ready to start the build.

It's taken some time to get to this point, especially with the seat tube crack repair and the rust hole near the bottom bracket, but now the paint is finished, the repair isn't visible at all.

So, all bits done.
Even the original flex stem has been revived from it's rusty state on page 1. I've also been trying to preserve as many of the original components from the rusty barn find as possible. More to come on that though.

Now onto the build. Updates to follow as they happen!

Cheers all.