cycling on the roads

Apologies if this has been said before, but im working so havent had time to read the entire thread.

Personally i feel that every cyclist should have to pass some sort of awareness test (not entirely practical i admit), in addition to this in order to get any type of licence you should have to spend at least a day doing the alternative eg. riding a motorbike and driving a car. Having got both a car and bike licence and commuting on a bike i try and do each as i would like others to. I leave room for cyclist if im driving and move in for motorbikes. I wait behind people until there is more than enough room to pass if on a motorbike and never ride on the pavement or jump lights when on a bike. I think if you were forced to spend a day as the other person you would have alot more respect for them. Having almost been taken out by cyclists while on a bike and car drivers while in a car i accept that this theory isnt fool proof, but it would at least make people slightly more aware.

Apologies for any grammatical and spelling mistakes :D
guybe":qxrdhisl said:
Jesus!!! I wish I never bothered mention this after getting criticism from so-called 'experts' here, for one I believe I am a careful and safe driver who respect others on roads and take safety very seriously which I have after driven for 20 years now.

The whole point is at the time that I saw two cyclists were riding side by side 'chatting' each other on the road, doesnt matter if it's on straight road or corner, they put danger there without using commom sense.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

I fully agree with your comments, but at the end of the day they are still a road user and therefore have as much right to sit in the middle of the lane as you do in your car. I apreciate that if they arent concentrating on the traffic arround them then they shouldnt be riding but at the same time if it wasnt safe for you to pass them as if they were a car you shouldnt do so.
guybe":mbxgpvta said:
The whole point is at the time that I saw two cyclists were riding side by side 'chatting' each other on the road, doesnt matter if it's on straight road or corner, they put danger there without using commom sense.
Ever talk to your passenger while driving? What, never?

Riding two abreast, even when it's perfectly safe, even when it causes no delay to anyone, just seems to wind some drivers up. There's no need to get stressed over it. Just treat them like a tractor: pass if it's safe to do so. If not, slow down and pass when it's safe. Where's the problem?
Good grief.

Is this a cycling forum or the top gear forum? Some pretty narrow minded almost Clarlsonesque views being aired.

Nothing wrong with riding two abreast. 1000s of cycling clubs all over the uk do it.

Maybe the views are a reflection of the generally shit attitude uk drivers have towards cyclists.
when i compare riding in france and the Uk , I find it a lot more dangerous over here , not only by the drivers attitude , but also by poor road condition and all those edges along country lanes .
cchris2lou":293cbk3i said:
when i compare riding in france and the Uk , I find it a lot more dangerous over here , not only by the drivers attitude , but also by poor road condition and all those edges along country lanes .

Its the same in Italy, but i think it is just the general attitude that is different. They are so used to people cycling and cycling them selves that they respect cyclist more and give them more space. I feel safer on a bike in Italy then driving!
I do agree with that - Spain is also a great place to ride on the roads. I even had some cops administer 'on the spot justice' with their sticks to someone who cut me up with his van...
s_zigmond":5upcjq4h said:
guybe":5upcjq4h said:
Jesus!!! I wish I never bothered mention this after getting criticism from so-called 'experts' here, for one I believe I am a careful and safe driver who respect others on roads and take safety very seriously which I have after driven for 20 years now.

The whole point is at the time that I saw two cyclists were riding side by side 'chatting' each other on the road, doesnt matter if it's on straight road or corner, they put danger there without using commom sense.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

I fully agree with your comments, but at the end of the day they are still a road user and therefore have as much right to sit in the middle of the lane as you do in your car.

But do they though? They don't pay road tax, or insurance, and the don't have a license. And personally I don't think sitting in the middle of the lane is showing other road users much respect.
konahed":3gd24l3x said:
s_zigmond":3gd24l3x said:
guybe":3gd24l3x said:
Jesus!!! I wish I never bothered mention this after getting criticism from so-called 'experts' here, for one I believe I am a careful and safe driver who respect others on roads and take safety very seriously which I have after driven for 20 years now.

The whole point is at the time that I saw two cyclists were riding side by side 'chatting' each other on the road, doesnt matter if it's on straight road or corner, they put danger there without using commom sense.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

I fully agree with your comments, but at the end of the day they are still a road user and therefore have as much right to sit in the middle of the lane as you do in your car.

But do they though? They don't pay road tax, or insurance, and the don't have a license. And personally I don't think sitting in the middle of the lane is showing other road users much respect.

they ? are you not a cyclist ?

I dont personally drive a car , I can but just dont want to , but I pay car tax for my wife car and van , so it gives me the right to use the road on my bike .
konahed":1f2bojo0 said:
s_zigmond":1f2bojo0 said:
guybe":1f2bojo0 said:
Jesus!!! I wish I never bothered mention this after getting criticism from so-called 'experts' here, for one I believe I am a careful and safe driver who respect others on roads and take safety very seriously which I have after driven for 20 years now.

The whole point is at the time that I saw two cyclists were riding side by side 'chatting' each other on the road, doesnt matter if it's on straight road or corner, they put danger there without using commom sense.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

I fully agree with your comments, but at the end of the day they are still a road user and therefore have as much right to sit in the middle of the lane as you do in your car.

But do they though? They don't pay road tax, or insurance, and the don't have a license. And personally I don't think sitting in the middle of the lane is showing other road users much respect.

I apreciate that every case is different by i pay more for my car road tax then most people do and drive a lot less miles. Mile for mile that i travel i do a lot less damage and pay a lot more than alot of road users. So why shouldnt i have as much right to be in the middle of the lane as anyone else no matter what i travel in\on?