cycling on the roads

guybe":2g35jr5x said:
I would like to know what is your views on this which I nearly hit a pair of cyclists about 10 years ago while I was driving my car.
Drive at a speed that lets you stop easily in the distance you can see to be clear. If you think that rounding a blind bend at 50/60mph is reasonable, you shouldn't be on the road. Slow down.

You may not think that those cyclists should have been riding in that way in those conditions, but it's not up to you to decide. It's their legal right, and your speed was the cause of the danger.

What's your problem with "fancy gears" anyway? Would you have preferred if they were riding Shimano Tourney?
one-eyed_jim":29cz8mtr said:
Russell":29cz8mtr said:
The cyclists you encountered were probably of the 'one-eyed_jim' variety, who cycle two abreast no matter what the conditions because the Highway code just offers guidance on this matter and does not state law.
Now then! ;)

I hardly ever ride two abreast - mostly because I usually ride alone, I live in a big city with busy traffic, and on those rare occasions when I do do it (on straight or quiet roads with passing space and good sight lines) I suffer pointless aggression from petrol-head jerks who don't know their highway code.

My personal view is that riding round blind corners two abreast is a stupid idea, I'd rather cycle single file and safely than two abreast and end up in a hospital bed muttering "words mean things". Cars kill things.
My personal view is that driving round blind bends at 50/60mph is moronic and dangerous. Cars kill things.

That doesnt excuse the fact riding two abreast round corners is stupid and dangerous. Roads are designed for cars etc, like it or not. If you want to stay alive, don't do stupid things.
konahed":lh2ri78c said:
That doesnt excuse the fact riding two abreast round corners is stupid and dangerous.
There are times when it could be. There are times when it isn't. It depends on the group, the conditions, and the corner.

Roads are designed for cars etc, like it or not. If you want to stay alive, don't do stupid things.
Roads are designed for traffic.
one-eyed_jim":2h4uq847 said:
konahed":2h4uq847 said:
That doesnt excuse the fact riding two abreast round corners is stupid and dangerous.
There are times when it could be. There are times when it isn't. It depends on the group.

No it doesnt. Makes no difference who it is.
konahed":3lofm6ol said:
No it doesnt. Makes no difference who it is.
It depends a lot on the size of the group, and can depend on its composition. If a large group goes single file around a bend, it gets strung out. Any car trying to pass then has to spend longer overtaking, and risks cutting back in in the middle of the group. It can be better to double up around the bend to prevent dangerous overtaking, then single out again on the straight if necessary.

You are experienced in group riding, I take it?
No but I know the highway code. A large group is perhaps an exception, but in that case you should have said group size.
ok guys, let close this matter now, no one is going to agree on this topic including me that I dont agree one-eyed_jim's views which I wont comment, it will get out of hand.

Ride safety as the best you can on the roads!
straying slightly, I prefer riding on roads to cycle paths any day - at least on the whole you are moving with the traffic heading in the same direction. Cycle paths, you are dodging lamp posts, dogs, pedestrians, other oncoming cyclists who don't know which side of the path to 'break' to (interesting game of chicken :shock: )...

give me the road any day. Cyclepaths are only any good if you are with your kids and are going slow or they are devoid of the above-mentioned (very rare!)..
one-eyed_jim":2wpqprsr said:
konahed":2wpqprsr said:
That doesnt excuse the fact riding two abreast round corners is stupid and dangerous.
There are times when it could be. There are times when it isn't. It depends on the group, the conditions, and the corner.

Roads are designed for cars etc, like it or not. If you want to stay alive, don't do stupid things.
Roads are designed for traffic.

Agreed on both points.

However, in the example guybe posted above, the cyclists were being stupid riding two abreast, but arguably he could have been driving a little slower.

You do seem to have a bit of an issue with car drivers though. I would consider myself a petrol head, I like fast cars. That doesn't make me a jerk, and I do know when is safe to use that speed, being a cyclist as well probably helps that.

There are idiot drivers about, but there are idiot cyclists as well - I once got told off for driving too fast by a couple of cyclists who were riding down the middle of a single lane back road, at the time I had gone from 10mph to stationary to let them past!! They got a few choice words back!

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