The 11s and Rapid Rise worked in that it shifted Ok. But I had to take it off. The shift cable doesn't really like to be wound around a small sheave. If it's under tension all the time that might be OK. But Rapid Rise ability to shift when stopped relies on slack going into the cable, which will be taken up when the bike moves again. This allows a deraillment of the cable to occur inside the Shiftmate.
The Shiftmate has an issue itself. The holes for the cable housing are offset to line up with the 2 different diameters of the sheaves, but they don't guide the cable itself very accurately. It can go across to the wrong side easily. The larger side can easily cross over the smaller side, and bind up. I could proabaly make that part work. But I don't have an answer yet for the Rapid Rise issue which was he whole point for me. So it looks like Rapid Rise is a Shimano only 7,8,9 speed thing. This isn't a big deal for me. I just had the parts and wanted to try it. It still works on the 8s Ebike.
I'm going back to the SS cage Zee M640 derailleur, and installing a trigger shifter so the reverse gripshift rotation won't be an issue between my 2 bikes anymore.