Worst week of commuting by bike since I moved to London.

Google street view isn't it :lol:

Very little in the way of road markings and all the cars looked amazing .
perry":jr3vcro8 said:
zim zimma did you run your keys down the side of that bimmer ?

thats so tempting sometimes to 'fall' into things (vehicles) with your handlebars to see what damage occurs, havent done it yet though :oops:
cyfa2809":1eha7z40 said:
thats so tempting sometimes to 'fall' into things (vehicles) with your handlebars to see what damage occurs

......unless you've got a burning desire to appear in a starring role at your local A&E Ward it's probably best to keep avoiding that temptation :wink:
^ You make it sound like the fat head in the car is going to come off better when it comes to blows compared to the guy who is not only physically fit , already filled with blood surging adrenalin and also holds a bike shaped weapon :?

They never manage to get the door open chap :wink: :wink:
yes that said i do believe i could keep my balance with my bars gliding across summat shiny, also maybe i should take bar ends of for that extra added tango :lol:
and bike shaped weapon :lol: its the version of bso for the pros! :lol:
perry":3mnym3vj said:
They never manage to get the door open chap :wink: :wink:

....very optimistic.....you clearly have never seen the scenario where he leaps out the nearside door swinging a three foot tyre iron over his head..... :( .....they may drive like fatheads but some of them are very limber homicidal idiots....unless you're an ex commando best be really sure which one you're dealing with first....or even better take a deep breath and ride on 8)

.....obviously only an opinion :)
So the guy has to come from the other side of the car :lol:

and bike shaped weapon Laughing its the version of bso for the pros! Laughing

I knew a guy that was confronted with a group of not very nice people wanting his stuff but one of them ended up with a chainring to the face and hopefully there is at least one driver out there who will think twice about trying to run someone over after getting a bike through the windscreen .

I saw neither happen but I guess you've gotta do what you've gotta do sometimes .

I did kick a mirror off a car once . If your going to throw a bottle of water at a cyclist don't stop at the traffic lights 30ft away .
perry":1ugoxthp said:
I did kick a mirror off a car once . If your going to throw a bottle of water at a cyclist don't stop at the traffic lights 30ft away .

....or (and this IS someone I once worked with)....if you're gonna carve someone up and then get stuck in traffic don't be surprised when,as he cycles past 40 seconds later,he fires a paintball gun at your windscreen and turns it into a bright red curtain that only spreads out when you switch the wipers on... :lol: :lol:

....not for me though....gonna be the world's oldest coward me 8)