Worst week of commuting by bike since I moved to London.

Violent chavs just seem to want to fight people on bikes :?

I suppose it's one of those split second decisions you can only make in the moment . Get a kicking or hit one of them so gruesomely that the others are too afraid to do anything and you leave happily .

I was in Newport a few years ago and a group of lads threw a glass bottle at me and a mate ; I stopped and my mate just said " no perry , were too far from home " :lol: not sure what I would have done anyway , there were quite a few of them . At what point do you think that throwing bottles at people for no reason is a good idea ?

As cyclists do we attract the attention of scum more than others ?
then get stuck in traffic

Not cycling related in any way but years ago in Newquay a few of us were down there for run to the sun and shooting people with water pistols out of the car ( it seemed to be the thing to do ) when we got into a gunfight with a group of fellas on foot , only to end up at traffic lights moments later , we didn't realise we left the windows down and got a soaking :lol: at that moment that car had the slowest electric windows in the world :lol:

Like shooting fish in a barrel
perry":3f3o849q said:
then get stuck in traffic

Not cycling related in any way but years ago in Newquay a few of us were down there for run to the sun and shooting people with water pistols out of the car ( it seemed to be the thing to do ) when we got into a gunfight with a group of fellas on foot , only to end up at traffic lights moments later , we didn't realise we left the windows down and got a soaking :lol: at that moment that car had the slowest electric windows in the world :lol:

Like shooting fish in a barrel

made me laugh! :lol: we were doing that once on our college lunchbreak in a mates car, not with other people though, just getting oddbods wet :)
Yeah we only shot at other people with water pistols and ours were only cheap ones that had about a meter range . The other guys had back pack mounted super soakers :lol:
London commuting I do not miss....some highlights from just between Big Ben and Trafalger Sq:

Had a pin-stripped toff take a swing at me with his hard case.
Had a full sized lorry chase me up the road.....I pulled into on comming and stopped to get away.
Was hit on the head with a bagel from a woman in convertable I just let into traffic.

I also witnessed so many stupic cyclists doing stupid stuff that even I on another bike got mad at them.
as a pedestrian in Cambridge, I'll walk in front of cyclists who go through red lights at crossings. It makes me angry that they do it and I'm just waiting to 'get' someone.

I also put my Caterpillar boot through someones radiator after they tried to use the footpath as a short cut.
All this anger!!

Now all watch this vid damnit
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNEBNGyD4nc look at all those smily happy cyclists, motorists and pedestrians... what went wrong!
I think I have just waged war on the 'drivers' and ' parkers' of Rusholme, Manchester. I was totally chilled watching cyclists run red lights till people blocked roads with double parking with traffic islands and then trying to get passed these c***s someone in a BMW tried to do a U turn into me. :roll: That was it swear anger and etc .

I'm not sure why its not twee and "Arwyte guvnor" (rose tined aside), but now its nuggetsville. its too complicated but worse, maybe there's a clue there, but standards have slipped badly. motorists are not motorists any more, not all anyway, some are just selfish gits doing their thing. and everyone is not adhering to the rules, just seeing what they can get away with, some cyclists included...

*calms dowm...*
Now I have calmed down, I took a look at what advice the internets have to offer.

A lot of it I already picked up through the years, however still good to chew over others ideas and laws. :)

http://www.timeout.com/london/aroundtow ... guide.html

Not for UK but still applicable scenarios

http://www.londoncyclist.co.uk/features ... ling-tips/
And some great points in here, not that I agree with all. Useful read.

I'm thinking of a big bright (extra) headlight, and some horn engineering (can't guarantee what my gob will say, and it gets stuck on sometimes! ) :lol: