Worst week of commuting by bike since I moved to London.

i hate riding on the roads, never have done never will to be honest, dont trust drivers. i therefore am always on the pavement, i ride with my earphones in and just generally ignore pedestrians rants, i do come at some of them quite fast, i have learnt to judge what people will do, im very good at it now. i trust my ability,why cant they, i am polite and slow to walking pace (or slower) for pedestrians right of way, older folk, dogs/pets and pushchairs. i get very annoyed when people hear me around 3ft away and try and move, generally in my direction, i think dont worry about me, you dont worry about anything else why worry now, i trust myself and so must you! i am really not a bad rider (although it must come across like that) i respect other users but they need to realise it goes both ways, which generally it doesnt, i get the usual like its a pavement not a road but i dont hear it now which may be irresponsible of me but im certainly more aware than around 70-80% of people and drivers :( even when im just crossing roads etc. i get no respect from drivers, like when i regularly wait at bottlenecks in the road (when i have to go on the road) i get no thanks or anything, like im not there and i didnt wait, to be honest a lot of drivers ruin it for the polite ones, it makes my blood boil and i try to get back at drivers whenever i can! :?
so we want to be treated like road users yet we disobey road markings and laws and even ride on the pavement..... and we get tarred with the same brush as....?

as our selves. :oops:
yeah it's all well and good following the paint on the road but at no time have I ever seen anyone drive over the speed limit or use a phone while doing so . It's basic natural survival , I'm happy to use the road when it's safe to do so ( and it's the quickest . I'm a big advocate of keeping the bike on the road ) but there's no way I'm letting some halfwit in a metal box determine my fate to save face with the public that couldn't care less ; the lady jerky waited patiently for today might as well have spat in his face for all the thanks he seems to have received , it's just not worth the danger a lot of the time .
perry":3idvepx7 said:
yeah it's all well and good following the paint on the road but at no time have I ever seen anyone drive over the speed limit or use a phone while doing so . It's basic natural survival , I'm happy to use the road when it's safe to do so ( and it's the quickest . I'm a big advocate of keeping the bike on the road ) but there's no way I'm letting some halfwit in a metal box determine my fate to save face with the public that couldn't care less ; the lady jerky waited patiently for today might as well have spat in his face for all the thanks he seems to have received , it's just not worth the danger a lot of the time .

i agree :)
I disobey 1 road sign, on the quiet wide road that I live on, I am not planning to stop doing this, if any one wants to have words with me about it, perhaps to explain why its so dangerous to do so on a road where there is perhaps 1 car every 10 minutes please feel free. but does that mean a driver has the right to force me into the gutter?

I dont ride on pavements (except where there are marked cycle lanes on them) I do stop at red lights, and let people cross the road fully before going through a crossing, does that give people the right to be rude to me?

So personally I dont like being tarred with that brush thanks.
JeRkY":2vmxgxd0 said:
I disobey 1 road sign, on the quiet wide road that I live on, I am not planning to stop doing this, if any one wants to have words with me about it, perhaps to explain why its so dangerous to do so on a road where there is perhaps 1 car every 10 minutes please feel free. but does that mean a driver has the right to force me into the gutter?

It is almost certainly not dangerous and no the driver has no rights and is a nob.

JeRkY":2vmxgxd0 said:
I dont ride on pavements (except where there are marked cycle lanes on them) I do stop at red lights, and let people cross the road fully before going through a crossing, does that give people the right to be rude to me?

no body has the right to be rude to you.

JeRkY":2vmxgxd0 said:
So personally I dont like being tarred with that brush thanks.

completely understandable.

Unfortunately it is what it is and simply gives ammunition to those who like reading the daily hate and enjoy using over simplified generalizations.

I ride a bike but I am not a cyclist
I drive a car but I am not a motorist
I take the train but I am not a commuter
I ride the bus but I am not poor or smelly

here is some food for thought...

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2073117 ... reets.html

http://road.cc/content/news/13128-gover ... cycle-plan

I ride a bike and am poor and smelly :?

Just read the headline and starting blurb and don't think it's a good idea ; we can make our own decision to flout minor traffic laws by assessing the risks at that moment and hoping our experience on a bike will stop us having an accident . But if we do cock up and fall under a car I don't think that should become the motorists fault by default ; if we're in the wrong then we are in the wrong simple really . By allowing anyone on a bike to go against traffic and making any incident the motorists fault it won't do us as cyclists any favours in the popularity game . There's nothing to stop someone who can barely ride a bike falling on a car and really that shouldn't become the drivers fault .

It seems like going from one extreme to the other ; what happened to being responsible for yourself ? if you make sure you don't cause any accidents by paying attention and take the blame if you are in the wrong we can avoid most of these situations . Far too many laws take us away from having a sense of doing the right and more importantly sensible thing and looking out for the people around us .
you week sounds rough mate every time iv'e been to london iv'e been pleased to get the hell out my reasons are

1. hardly anyone speaks english anymore
2. every body seems angry and in a hurry
3. im not being rasist but with the ever increasing terrorist activity i cant personely cant trust anyone there regardless of anything they say or do iv'e seen the results of terror first hand and i dont want to see anymore.
4. its cramped and smelly
5. no prime mtb locations on the door step

just my 2p worth
As a motorist I've been thoroughly p*ssed off by cyclists
As a cyclist I've been thoroughly p*ssed off by motorists

I've spent lots of time driving and working around London and can honestly say the rules are there are no rules, look after number one and that's it!