Violent Assault leaves my Retro bike DEAD... what next ?

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Easy_Rider":3tm17m4l said:
As i said before, violence for any reason except in extreme circumstances, ie protecting your family against a loonatic attacker etc, is not on!

I think one of society's serious problems - and one that shouldn't be impossible to address - is the readily overreaction to violence that some people make.

Compounding this, is some people, whilst not defending it, per se, make comments to "understand" it. That's where the problem starts in not ruling something out as completely unacceptable.
Personal summary - the flash point could/should have been neutralized by a fawning, grovelling apology; and that there are increasing numbers of people too ready to turn to violence and assault over such minor incidents clearly indicating they have serious issues that our society needs to 'treat' - what will they decide to flame-out next? Queue jumpers? It can only end in worse assaults until they either meet their match or are penalised. The race-thing is a red herring.

Mr K
Just wandered into this thread. 9 pages, I thought it might be something interesting.

Instead it is an example of how ridiculous the internet can be.
retrojon":17yh2wxa said:
Just wandered into this thread. 9 pages, I thought it might be something interesting.

Instead it is an example of how ridiculous the internet can be.

and now you've made your contribution to the ridiculous internet ;)
1. where did this happen ? so i never live there

2. yes it should be easy enough to get a quote for replacement, or a copy ahem of a reciept, have done that for peeps before.

3. to all you judgemental gits.........get of your over inflated political correctness !!!! We all look different and have to use the best words we can come up with at the time. Next it will be an offence to say someone had a fake tan or an accent. Black people call us white we call them black, fair trade to me.........we're all from bloody Africa originally anyway but we gone pale in varying degree's................childish i tell ya
adi-66":1zdsqc1e said:
jimmy5willy":1zdsqc1e said:
Did you get the car number plate?

That would save a lot of police time?

YES and so did the two people that have come forward as witnesses... but guess whta, the plate doesnt match the car it was on !!!

This to all,

This does not in any way indicate stolen cars or false plates, it mearly indicates the number given may have been wrong. Unless you have a photo of the car you are never going to be 100% positive and even multiple witnesses usually end up agreeing on the most likely.

I am also pretty sure that the two witnesses did not see all of the story, afte all what if three witnesses only saw you pushing the woman?

sastusbulbas":3837xd4w said:
adi-66":3837xd4w said:
jimmy5willy":3837xd4w said:
Did you get the car number plate?

That would save a lot of police time?

YES and so did the two people that have come forward as witnesses... but guess whta, the plate doesnt match the car it was on !!!

This to all,

This does not in any way indicate stolen cars or false plates, it mearly indicates the number given may have been wrong. Unless you have a photo of the car you are never going to be 100% positive and even multiple witnesses usually end up agreeing on the most likely.

If three people, independently said reported the same thing, I'm going with Occam's Razor.

Three people who mentally took note of the number plate - now sure, one of them was violently assaulted, but two other people getting it wrong?

Just reading that, what seems the most likely? They all got it wrong, or that people who seem more than willing to quickly and easily turn to outright lawlessness and violence, also could be driving around on false plates?

sastusbulbas":3837xd4w said:
I am also pretty sure that the two witnesses did not see all of the story, afte all what if three witnesses only saw you pushing the woman?


Surely if it's likely they saw him push the woman back, it's more than likely they say how she got there, and her pushing him more than once, too?

Don't get me wrong, I know it's possible, but unlikely, and isn't it just splitting hairs?

Look at the end results, you'll have two people, quite likely without a scratch or mark on them, a car with no damage to the mirror, and a man who shows several injuries, plus a written off bike and broken glasses.

Now tell me which account would be more credible.
adi-66":1gtjjutg said:
Long story, but basically on the way home from work on Tuesday i came up behind 2 cars parked across the road infront of me (blocking he way for me and any other traffic, however there was room to pass between the cars.... so thats where i headed, unforunatly for me the gap wasnt quite as wide as i thought, and i ended up clipping (not snapping off) one of the cars wing mirrors.
adi-66":1gtjjutg said:

Regarding the above, why did you not jsut wait or mount the pavement? Why did you HAVE to go between them? And the statement "there was room" is wrong as you did hit the wing mirror.
We would not accept this if it was a car driver versus two cysclists.

Que driver turning it a Mental snarling B!tch, and chasing me down, trying to run me over, so up onto the path i jumped, and she cut me off at the next junction SCREAMING ABUSE at me, i offered ny apologies but she wasnt listening... so i turned my bike (still being pleasent to her) and set off in the opposite direction..

Hmmm so she became a mental bitch, and chased you down, and tried to run you over? So you continued riding on the pavement, but she caught up with you and screamed abuse.
Why did you not just let her have her say, at this point you had inflamed the sitiuation by being aware of her actions and refusing to stop, of course she was not going to listen to you, at this point you had became the sort of cyclist that gives most car owners a bad attitude.
And what do you do aggrivate it more by jumping back on the bike and going the opposite way. CLEARLY, you don't seem to see how this may look like since hitting her car you were running away.

she chased me and started to throw things out of her car at me, until i got to the next junction, where she cut me off again ! so i didnt even look at her, i just turned and rode away in the opposite direction, again!

Again running away, yet as she was clearly angry, at this point I have to say she clearly thought more of the incident than you did, of course you and the rest of this forum seem to dismiss this as she was a "bitch" not tomention car driver.

only to be cut off... Mad woman then gets out of her car, waddles round to me and pushes me off my bike ( I was off it straddeling the cross bar) so i reacted in self defence and stood up and pushed her back... next thing i know the other occupant of the car, a Big Very dark african ish looking male was pushing me away, i duly obliged and walked backwards as he pushed me, offering a bit of resistance.

Oh and now she is mentaly challenged for not thinking like you, and she is fat as you mention she waddles, here is the thing YOU HIT HER CAR< HOWVER SERIOUS< YOU SHRUGGED IT OFF AND CONTINUED< SHE CHASED YOU AND YOU KEPT RUNNING AWAY! Oh and now she is so angry with "bloody cyclists who clearly have no right to be on the road in her mind" that she comes round and pushes you. ONE PUSH, and you a 14st man push this "victim" back .
Well I gues it clearly got out of hand, but you are far too important to see that your own actions caused it agrivated it and inflamed it.

Thats when my trouble really started... he tore my £700 spectacles from my face, and snapped then in half, throwing the peices in seperate ways, so i took of my bag, and got out my Mobile to dial 999. He wasnt best pleased at this and came running over to me, screaming your not calling the F'ing police, then he gpabbed my right wrist, and puled me towards him (I'm a big lad of 14 stone) and proceeded to Head-Butt me in the face, kindly spreading my top lip across my face !, then within what seemed like seconds he gave me a good Right hook to my Lh side of my face... Nice ! he then walked over to my bike (a GT Xizang!!) ...and jumped on the rear wheel, then picked it up, and threw it up about 10' in the Air, picked it up, and threw it al over the place in the air, into the floor, and then just to proper muller it up.... into a lampost a few times !!!! To$$er !!! Oh and then he came back to me, and jumped on my bag, and threw it into the road, before he drove off with his Phsyco partner.

I sat your troubles started in childhood, you are clearly arogant and think you have every right to act as you wish, so far all I have seen is a spoily tosser guessing at a car gap that was inconveniencing him, and instead of going round just going between two cars, I see some woman reacting to some stuck up ponce on a flashy bike with snobby pimp glasses hitting her car (however bloody softly) doing some hand gesture and ******* off.

2 witnesses came forward and my Local police are treating it as a serious assault, GOOD, COS IT FLIPPING WAS !

Partial witnesses who did not see how you caused the incident by aggrivation, by hitting her car, by refusing to stop, by pushing her.

My question is:
My retro tricked out Xizang that has been my pride & joy for years is now properly dead, being bent, dented & cracked with every part bent, dented or generally ruined !!! so i'm claiming on my house insurance, but whats the general concensus on the outcome, as it obviously cant be replaced... nor can it be fixed up !

Oh "Ival" have been instructed as assesors if that helps ?

Sorry for the Long Post, i'm just FUMING !!!

cheers, Adi

Quite clearly things did get out of hand, and you suffered for it, but I bet you will get plenty of sympaphy, new shiny bits covered by insurance and such, and be even more of a ponce on the road, helping contribute to the opinion most car drivers have of us.

Again, YOU did not HAVE to go between the cars, you DID NOT have enough clearance.
As you were in the wrong when you noticed her following YOU should have stopped, got off your bike and been sincere and appologetic, not mounting your bike until she had let off her steam and drove off etc.
You chose to be an arrogant ass and run away from her, not stop etc etc. That is why she got so angry she could not listen.

The actions taken against you were unfortunate and wrong, but the FACT remains she wanted to vent off steam at you for hitting her car. You ran away.
You agrivated her responses which ended up in her pushing you, you pushed her. And then her boyfriend intervened..... (sound like a friday night in club land)

Now all we have is a one sided story from a cyclist and it is being defended by cyclists, but the crux of the matter is your actions caused this, and your behaviour is what gives many motorists a bad opinion of us. Some other cyclist may suffer due to your behaviour. (And what could she have done if you had damaged the mirror? Attempted an insurance claim? Its not like the police would bother looking for a cyclist)

I say this, if someone hit my car I would be angry, I would confront them and let off steam, if they ran away I would be more pissed off, if there was no damage I would be gratefull but I would have established an opinion of cyclists.
If that cyclist hit my car and had an attitude like "so what its only a mirror, there is no real damage" then of course I would be even more frustrated.

If I was in a car with my wife and the above incident happened, I would quite clearly be on my wifes side, I would not be happy with some cyclist pushng her.

At every point you have agrivated the situation, it is unfortunate that it got so out of hand, but maybe it should serve to remind this forum what being irresponsible can cause.

No matter how you cut it you did not have to attempt to cycle between two cars on a road, you hit her car and YOU chose to dismiss it. It is not up to you or any other to decide HER opinion on how important that is, it was her car and she was not happy.

Again I guess it may seem harsh, but I am not going to agree with cyclists doing what they want when I would not agree with a motorcycle or car driver doing what you did. regardless of what the car driver and her man did, its your action as an irresposnable cyclist that caused it.

As a cyclist you decided to go between two cars and hit one, you guessed there was room and were aware you could hit one, your an adult and every cyclist takes risks, your went wrong and you got a kicking.

Think of your judgement this way, it could easilly have been a red light or a junction or crossing a busy road, you could have been killed or killed a car driver through such careless judgement.

You should get a grip, you caused all this to happen by being an arse, you just happened to do in the wrong place at the wrong time when there were bigger more dangerous arses than you.

But remember, YOU decided the gap, you hit the car, you did not stop. How many car drivers would have been content with that, how many car drivers have a low opinion of cyclists due to such behavour?

And to everyone else here, we have a one sided sob story, we have no idea what happened, how serious it was or how he reacted or spoke to her. What we do know is that he cycled between two cars and hit a mirror, and that some "boyfriend" hit him for pushing his girlfriend.
IF this had been the other way round and Adi had been side by side on that road with another cyclist, if a car had nudged him softly most of you would have been going on about bloody car drivers, if he had chased the car and gave the side panel a boot, most of you would have went "good one". Pathetic, different rules for different road users eh...

Considering Adi's attitude towards the incident and the car owners, I doubt he did not say anything, I guess some colourful language exchanged hands.

BUT remember, IF he had took a more appropriate route around the cars, or if he had stopped, he may not have been chased down, he may not have been pushed. We know that if he did not get into the argument with the woman, and if he had not pushed her, he would not have been smacked or had his bike trashed, as he was sitting in his car from what I can gather up until the moment Adi lifted his hands to his woman.

What I can't get over in all of this is those people - whether playing devil's advocate, or otherwise, willing - and it would appear favouring - the car occupants in all of this.

Forget all the semantic details, for a second, look at the end results - somebody who's got multiple injuries, a destroyed bike, and broken spectacles. Now compare any loss or injury the car occupants may have.

How - on earth - could somebody stoop so low as to try and see it from the car occupants perspective, when they were so ready to resort to violence? For me, that's the biggest troubling thing about this - not that there are people who so easily resort to violence - that's a given, quelle suprise - what's truly distubring is those people who appear to display chips on their shoulder who try and empathise or contextualise the car occupants behaviour.

IMO it's that attitude that's partly encouraging people to behave like this, because there seems to be an increasing number of people who seek to "understand" or empathise with such people, rather than simply stating "That sort of behaviour is unacceptable".
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