Violent Assault leaves my Retro bike DEAD... what next ?

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i hope i dont clip anyones shopping trolley in tescos tommorow......dont want to get chased down and violently assulted ...
Neil":1ddfwl2c said:
sastusbulbas":1ddfwl2c said:
adi-66":1ddfwl2c said:
jimmy5willy":1ddfwl2c said:
Did you get the car number plate?

That would save a lot of police time?

YES and so did the two people that have come forward as witnesses... but guess whta, the plate doesnt match the car it was on !!!

This to all,

This does not in any way indicate stolen cars or false plates, it mearly indicates the number given may have been wrong. Unless you have a photo of the car you are never going to be 100% positive and even multiple witnesses usually end up agreeing on the most likely.

If three people, independently said reported the same thing, I'm going with Occam's Razor.

Three people who mentally took note of the number plate - now sure, one of them was violently assaulted, but two other people getting it wrong?

Just reading that, what seems the most likely? They all got it wrong, or that people who seem more than willing to quickly and easily turn to outright lawlessness and violence, also could be driving around on false plates?

sastusbulbas":1ddfwl2c said:
I am also pretty sure that the two witnesses did not see all of the story, afte all what if three witnesses only saw you pushing the woman?


Surely if it's likely they saw him push the woman back, it's more than likely they say how she got there, and her pushing him more than once, too?

Don't get me wrong, I know it's possible, but unlikely, and isn't it just splitting hairs?

Look at the end results, you'll have two people, quite likely without a scratch or mark on them, a car with no damage to the mirror, and a man who shows several injuries, plus a written off bike and broken glasses.

Now tell me which account would be more credible.

Blah blah blah,

He ran away he evaded her, she got angry, FACTS.

The witnesses were passers by at the scene where her boyfriend assaulted him, you have ony gesswork and hearsay on what they may have saw or thought was going on. Did we get varification on three independent sources giving independent and isolated reports of teh registrationm, or a couple of passers by agreeing that the registration was like that?

The end results are because he was above them, he can ride in any manner he wants and if someone does not agree he can stick his fingers up and run away.

Get it? If you think it is OK to hit cars by cycling irresposibly, and then evade them when they try and give you an earful, fine.

It did not quickly and easilly turn to lawless violence, a cyclst hit a car and ran away and on numerous occasion aggrivated the situation, we have no idea what would have happened if you did not run away as if guilty of more than he states.

I do not believe the reported him pushing her, they probably just caught the bits in his favour. Who wants to report hitting a woman though?

And for all we know, Adi was not aware he was being watched by this boyfriend, and may not have been all about "calm down dear" but mqay have been like I will **** you up you fat bitch? and may have pushed her pretty hard.

I was not there but I know enough NOT to go by pamby cyclist "I am a victim" fairy stories.

The fact is he was an idiot, DON'T cycle expensive bikes in and out of traffic irresposibily then bitch when it goes wrong, dont push big boys girlfriends about.

Do by all means whine about it on a forum where many irresposible cyclists may be, who may also agree with you and not see anything wrong with hitting "bloody cars".
Quote Neil,

What I can't get over in all of this is those people - whether playing devil's advocate, or otherwise, willing - and it would appear favouring - the car occupants in all of this.

Forget all the semantic details, for a second, look at the end results - somebody who's got multiple injuries, a destroyed bike, and broken spectacles. Now compare any loss or injury the car occupants may have.

How - on earth - could somebody stoop so low as to try and see it from the car occupants perspective, when they were so ready to resort to violence? For me, that's the biggest troubling thing about this - not that there are people who so easily resort to violence - that's a given, quelle suprise - what's truly distubring is those people who appear to display chips on their shoulder who try and empathise or contextualise the car occupants behaviour.

IMO it's that attitude that's partly encouraging people to behave like this, because there seems to be an increasing number of people who seek to "understand" or empathise with such people, rather than simply stating "That sort of behaviour is unacceptable".

gibbleking":acs0z38k said:
i hope i dont clip anyones shopping trolley in tescos tommorow......dont want to get chased down and violently assulted ...

Its EFF all to do with that,

The fact is many would still agree if he had fucked up a car and confronted the driver due to it brushiing his elbow or something.

What seems to be missed is that he hit a car and ran away.

That does not imply it is fine to recieve a beating, but I am pretty sure if I went round the corner, slapped a certain neighbors wing mirror while he was watching, that I would end up in A&E.

I am quite sure many boyfriend hit guys who push their girls.

I am not going to let the bad results of his actions blind me, it was wrong that he got battered and his bike trashed.

But what can a cyclist expect if he is going to ride in that manner and run away, it is enevitiable that one day you do it to the wrong person and such outcomes occur.

I don't believe anyone has the right to say so fuckin what I hit your car.

That is exactly what he did by acting in his manner. If he had not acted inapropriately it may not have happened.

Now if that car had not followed him, and he never saw that car again, you all think it would be OK to hit a car and act as he did.


sastusbulbas":19ocau2d said:
The fact is he was an idiot, DON'T cycle expensive bikes in and out of traffic irresposibily then bitch when it goes wrong, dont push big boys girlfriends about.

are you the assailant ??
sastusbulbas":3vxmzmiq said:
Blah blah blah,


sastusbulbas":3vxmzmiq said:
He ran away he evaded her, she got angry, FACTS.

So it would appear.

Anger - I have no problem with - driving your car on a public road as if to chase, or perhaps even worse - unacceptable.

Resorting to violence because you're angry about something - unacceptable.

sastusbulbas":3vxmzmiq said:
The witnesses were passers by at the scene where her boyfriend assaulted him, you have ony gesswork and hearsay on what they may have saw or thought was going on.

Indeed - so my take is just as valid as yours, sunshine - and don't you forget it.

sastusbulbas":3vxmzmiq said:
Did we get varification on three independent sources giving independent and isolated reports of teh registrationm, or a couple of passers by agreeing that the registration was like that?

No - we didn't - so your conclusion is no more credible than mine.

sastusbulbas":3vxmzmiq said:
The end results are because he was above them, he can ride in any manner he wants and if someone does not agree he can stick his fingers up and run away.

Absolute rubbish.

The end results are because there are some in society who appear to have no control of their behaviour and resort to violence. And even worse, numpties who empathise or even defend them.

sastusbulbas":3vxmzmiq said:
Get it? If you think it is OK to hit cars by cycling irresposibly, and then evade them when they try and give you an earful, fine.

If you think that it's acceptable, understandable to resort to violence, there, then I'm very sorry for you. I hope your attitude doesn't pervade as to influence others.

sastusbulbas":3vxmzmiq said:
It did not quickly and easilly turn to lawless violence, a cyclst hit a car and ran away and on numerous occasion aggrivated the situation, we have no idea what would have happened if you did not run away as if guilty of more than he states.

"not quickly and easily"? You're delusional.

sastusbulbas":3vxmzmiq said:
I do not believe the reported him pushing her, they probably just caught the bits in his favour. Who wants to report hitting a woman though?

Neither you know, nor I.

Personally, it's not something I would do, but in fairness, I wasn't subject to somebody chasing after me in a car, trying to run me down, then aggressively confronting me, and finally assaulting me. At the end of the day, whether we moralise over his physical response to her, or not - he was acting in self-defence. THEY WEREN'T.

sastusbulbas":3vxmzmiq said:
And for all we know, Adi was not aware he was being watched by this boyfriend, and may not have been all about "calm down dear" but mqay have been like I will f**k you up you fat bitch? and may have pushed her pretty hard.

As I said, I don't believe it's something I would personally have done, but after being chased a couple of times, he no dobut felt cornered. And if nothing else, it was self-defence, not an initial act of violence.

sastusbulbas":3vxmzmiq said:
I was not there but I know enough NOT to go by pamby cyclist "I am a victim" fairy stories.

You appear to have a chip on your shoulder, about certain types of cyclist - which is clearly colouring your response.

There's a huge inbalance in the end result - how can that in any way be justified? The answer - it can't - which is why you can't address the point.

sastusbulbas":3vxmzmiq said:
The fact is he was an idiot, DON'T cycle expensive bikes in and out of traffic irresposibily then bitch when it goes wrong, dont push big boys girlfriends about.

The facts are that he made a mistake. And perhaps didn't deal with it ideally - that's taken in isolation - no doubt he's learnt something about that.

None of which justifies or mitigates any violence or destruction of property.

sastusbulbas":3vxmzmiq said:
Do by all means whine about it on a forum where many irresposible cyclists may be, who may also agree with you and not see anything wrong with hitting "bloody cars".

I'm not saying that at all.

I'm saying whatever he did wrong - and I'm not excusing that - wasn't justification or mitigation to the violence he enountered.

And as important as it is for society to judge people being inconsiderate or arrogant, it's hugely more important for society to simply say NO to the acceptance, mitigation or empathy for those that would so readily turn to violence.
sastusbulbas":2aqpewec said:
What seems to be missed is that he hit a car and ran away.

And apparently caused no damage.

And then ended up being chased by a car, dangerously, violently assaulted, and his bike and spectacles destroyed.

I haven't ever said that he did no wrong. But it would appear that no damage or loss occurred to the car, or it's occupants.

The point is, they massively overreacted, to a degree that society should simply find intolerable and unacceptable - not try to mitigate, "understand" or show empathy to.

Yes, he made a mistake and was wrong about something. But if the account is accurate, there was no loss as a result. Nothing like the same for him.

Now accepting probabilities and what is likely to happen is one thing, but the only way society changes, is to say that that kind of response is completely unacceptable - not mitigate it away.
I'm glad you read his drivle Neil, i have read every post on this thread but just skipped over his, can't be bothered with attitudes like that.

Like i said, even if he had taken the wing mirror clean off and flicked the v's at them he still did not "deserve" the assault, nobody deserves a beating, i thought we'd evolved past being apes :roll:
Anyway, the missus and me went to town today, decided to go on the bikes to save the hassle of parking etc.

So there I was outside a girlie shop on the edge of the road between two parking spaces, straddling my bike and holding the missus' bike while she browsed the shop when all of a sudden a pedestrian comes along and hits my bike with his shopping bag and calmly walks off without a care in the world, that's it I thought, how dare he damage my property and walk off, I saw red, dropped the missus' bike and stormed after this rouge :twisted:
He was changing direction this way and that trying to get away from me, how dare he nock my bike so carelessly, he was blabbering something in a slithering way, I didn't care this fool had it coming, so I grabbed his shopping bag and snapped it in half, let that be a lesson to you!

Sound ridiculous? That's because it is, but what's the difference with the OP :?:

Just when you thought this thread was comes back to life again :LOL:
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