
Mrs hm was at her mother’s for dinner last night. They all had vegetarian imposed on them fur to her brother and his wife being veggie. I would’ve brought my own steak and cooked it at the table. Free choice is fine. I have it too.

As long as it is tasty, it has never bothered me. When in Rome. Often catering for three or four diets here. Back to vegetarian lately for me, but not strict.

Most of the stuff I eat is vegetarian, does that count?

That makes me a vegetarian once removed, surely. :p
Vegetarians killed the dinosaurs :evil:

Greedy barstewards ate everything, thus sealing the fate of the poor carnivorous ones.

An ex partner was vegetarian and i really enjoyed some of the meals she made, but they always felt incomplete, its almost like an addiction and i find i crave meat if i go a few meals without it.

I also found it strange that there are so many veggie foods that imitate meat products, vegetarian hot dogs for example, even though i do actually like them and i doubt anyone could tell the difference in a blind test.

A friend was vegan and a raw foodist for a few years, nothing cooked or that had been cooked like bread for example, he had a very interesting diet.

Very interesting discussion, and some knowledgable folk on here.

Clearly there is a huge ethical piece to animal farming, but whats the take on fruit and veg?

Just looked around the kitchen, bananas from Cameroon, Mango from Brazil, apples from South Africa, peppers from Holland. I suspect the production of theses items is open to question. Can’t believe a banana picker in Africa is having a great life? Let alone the food miles.

It’s all a bit depressing!

Dogs walked. Breakfast cooking. This is why. All local, dry cure from happy pigs.


This is not the actual maths in play, and there are more variables to account for i know, but this is tge basic principle at work...

Imagine a 1 acre field is grown for maize or wheat or such like, and the total calorific content of that food resource is 1000calories. A herbivore eating 100% of that food resource will convert around 10% of the calories into useful, life sustaining processes such as heating, motion, cell production, breathing and energy etc... so 100calories

Now imagine a carnivore (or omnivore) eats the herbivore. Again, around 10% of the energy or calories of the herbivore are converted by the carnivore

Basically, each step up the foodchain wastes a huge amount of energy, which is essentially why i became a vegetarian in my early 20's

Now imagine locally produced and sourced, wild boar and chilli sausages, on an open fire while smashed one night with my mates (one if whom is on here... you know who you are!), and that is why i started eating meat again after nearly 15 years ;)
