Today's Ride

Went for a decent 50mile ride on the Orange today and picked a few hard hills to do. For anyone who lives in, or adjacent to, Dorset; the first one was the long drag from Fontmell Magna up to Ashmore. The first part up through Springhead is hard work, if you don't know it, and want to try it.

The second was the famous Zig Zag Hill which is a blast and here is a vid of someone driving up it, for those of you not in Dorset. The vid cuts out once they clear the forest but the road continues a gradual climb for a good while until you are at almost 280 meters, at a place called Win Green.

It is described as the bendiest road in england, but i don't know if that is true. is a poor phone pic from Win Green


Turned out quite warm and not a drop of rain :)
my better half said 'let's go riding!' who am I to decline her wish?






the altitude data is far from truth since this is almost a flat bicycle path along the river Duna (Donau), but the distance is correct.
Riding alone is the best ;)

Blue skies, hazy high cloud, glorious sunshine. Stiff NWN 15-18mph breeze. 12 degrees, feels like 10. Time for Ryder to make an appearance. Sketchy as hell, a slow puncture but tremendous fun. All the riding on the 29er pays off when you go back to 26 👍


Wedged in the undergrowth to stop Ryder from blowing over 🤣