Third stage today, the most beautiful in terms of scenery and the worst in terms of weather.
The short climb at the end was worth it, we spend the next two nights at Wildenstein Castle.
I have wanted to do a lap of my town for a while now. The bike I'm building for road miles is no closer now than it was years ago, so I decided to do the 32 km on Duck Norris.
First, down Powerdam Drive to Cornwall Centre Road, the north west corner.
Then the length of Cornwall Centre/South Branch Road.
Past the golf course to South Branch and Boundary Road, called Grant's Corners, the north east corner
Through rolling farmlands then a yucky industrial area, extra gross because I had to look at my work on my day off.
I sped past, made it safely to Boundary and Montreal Road/Highway 2, the south east corner. The river forms the southern border, United States is way over on the other side beyond the islands
Refreshment break! Then onwards home, to Powerdam and Second Street, the south west corner
I didn't actually go to that corner, it's under construction. But it's out there somewhere, I swear. Anyways, it was a great ride, could be better with some gears I suppose
Maybe just a good excuse but the weather seems even worse than last year and my motivation for cycling has dropped in a dramatic way I’ve no idea if it’s really climate change or coincidence
Making some apple cake instead, quick and dirty
And while you’re at it, why not some salami style pizza
sorry for ot
Out here in the provinces we like to keep our finger on the pulse, and make informed decisions based on detailed thorough research...
The world keeps on turning and we will try our hardest to make it stop.
Was out for over 2hrs and Google Fit reckons I managed 2.3 miles. In which case Google Fit can go **** itself, and has since been uninstalled. Cool when I set off. Warm when I returned.
No , probably not . It was the brothers Vaz that told me it was built in Anerley though . Mario painted it .
He may have had a hand in the Holdsworth Pro though .