Today's Ride

Rode to the local bike swap for the Yeti’s shakedown.

Paul Brown (Tom Ritchey cohort and former owner of Cycle Dynamics) was there. I got to hear some great stories from him. He has a very unique 1987-ish Ritchey-built frame/fork/stem for sale in addition to countless Campy bits.
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NordicTrack made a Ti FS???

A Bio-Pace to match all Bio-Pace chainrings?
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I went out this morning too,
IMG_20240714_070327505.jpg where the deer and the wild turkey and maybe some kind of medium sized kitty play.
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Tried out some of the newfangled gravel thing, feels a lot like riding down a dirt road used to IMG_20240714_075348871.jpg
Took a few trails here and there, always a clear cut area under the power lines. Fun to explore, but everything leads to a bug infested swamp around here. The trouble with living in a river valley, there's plenty of mud IMG_20240714_080006517.jpg
And the obligatory "oops I'm in someone's back yard" photo IMG_20240714_080736819.jpg
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