Kona Fan
It's been raining pretty solidly every day here for the last week or so which has been frustrating. Today dawned partly cloudy but dry, so I took off up the nearby hill and down the other side to have a look at the messed-up 'badlands' bordering the river that has formed the landscape hereabouts over the last few millennia.
Everything was very wet and muddy and the small streams that cross the path were quite deep and swollen -- wet feet ensued. The fire trails were quite muddy and draggy, but overall it was great to be out for an hour. It certainly sets you up for the day!
Everything was very wet and muddy and the small streams that cross the path were quite deep and swollen -- wet feet ensued. The fire trails were quite muddy and draggy, but overall it was great to be out for an hour. It certainly sets you up for the day!

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