Today's Ride

Last pic shows it could have been worse, take it easy ya loon :D
I had definitely got overconfident and complacent after doing my best Chris askrig impressions up the river and winning, I did have a thought as I was pushing up the previously unexplored woods hhhmmm bit icey bit slippy … might be some tumbles today …. I think a dropper post might cure these odd incidents I have on this bike as my subconscious isn’t fast enough to get my bum over and down to the back wheel when a sudden out of the blue occurs and it’s all to fast to react… or maybe I am just getting old ahaha tbh it wasn’t really that steep at all but a bit steeper than pics always seem …… though it’s always the outta the blue ones that if tho go really wrong it’s sometimes a random hospital visit.. this is why I am more scarred of getting in the shower without thinking it through properly as put my back out doing that early in the year pfffttt … luckily this time nothing a hot shower won’t sort out : )


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Today‘s Ride (the commute on Monday) was VERY painful.

Drizzle. Cold. But an excellent 17km. Really enjoying it. No ice. No frost. Wet but grippy. RoadRat on G-Ones.
Last 1km….need to thread through a set of gates…high speed approach as usual and just made a minor error.
Bar clipped post. B A N G…..hard down onto left hand side.
Fell onto hip extremely hard. Granite setts mainly. Pointy and hard.
Helmet worked.
Backpack really stopped any back injury.

For first few hours I really worried that I had broken my hip. As a colleague had done 18 months ago.
Checked mobility in hip all day - fine no clicking but boy was it swelling.
By evening - huge 2cm swollen zone over all femoral head area.
So…..called partner who took me home at 7pm by car.

I used the new protocol:
No NSAIDs - to speed repair, no Ibuprofen or similar.
No ice for first 48 hours.

All evening on sofa - VERY painful going upstairs.
OK night. Slept on RH side to drain effusion on hip.
Day 1 just worse and worse. Poor mobility, increased swelling, increasing pain. No bruise, just swelling. Painful going up stairs.
Day 2 much improved. Swelling reducing. Now pretty sure that I have a bone bruise and no break. Huge red and blue bruise appears. Very difficult going up stairs.
Day 3 almost pain free, mobility back bruise impressive. Could ride now but will leave it another 24 hours.

Very speedy recovery from A Big One. New protocol very interesting.
Took the “retro” bike for a frosty spin, the headset grease even felt gunky and thick because of the cold
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Even tho I am supposedly a “retro guru” I am really still relatively new to proper retro biking and the forum so I really should do a bike/build thread for this bike as it’s the only one I have that I consider a “propa retro” ish build and although it’s had a few different set ups over the last few years it’s now definitely gearing towards a pure retro bike and something for the gf to have a blast on when she finally redeems her promise of going to an actual trail centre and trying a blue and a brew in the cafe …. maybe … one day ahaha she seems to keep forgetting about it ppfffttt

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