Today's Ride


The last couple of weekends, I've been too busy or there was too much rain for riding. After an assortment of chores and errands, I managed to get out for just an hour's ride down by the river today. The river is close to bursting its banks and the path was flooded in places: not too deep, about 6 inches at worst, but repeatedly, in stretches between five and ten metres long. After gingerly going through two or three pools, and still getting wet feet, I just blasted through the rest and put up with the icy water sloshing in my shoes. A short, sharp, cold blast along the track to get the blood pumping.


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Woke this morning with a pain behind my eyes, so i thought some fresh air and exercise would clear my head!
38 miles of mud and hills of the South Downs and I'm now feeling better- well enough to stomach some leftovers from yesterday.

Really poor light and heavy grey cloud mean crap photos, but the ride was great fun!

Wet, wind, drizzle and cold. Quite an enjoyable ride for nearly a couple of hours all the same, until I got a puncture near to home - just walked the rest of the way instead of fixing it up in the fading light. The Stumpy is sporting a new set of V12s (replacing the black V8s): nice pedals but I wonder if I should have waited for black ones to be back in stock. Anyway, grey day photos:


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:xmas-big-grin: Very wet trails today, but the sun was shining and the skies blue, so headed up to Sherwood Pines early for a quick blast before the hoards arrived.

By the time i got there people were already starting to arrive, and by the time i left it was very busy, i have never seen it that busy, ever. Glad i was done and heading home by then :xmas-cool:

I ended up in the trenches today, i have rode past them countless times and just assumed the fence went all the way around and one just had to look at them through that. Not sure why, but decided to ride around the fence today, and found an entrance into the trench, surprisingly quite dry considering even well drained trails were now rivers.

Nice ride, home now with a glass of Benedictine and warming my toes :xmas-big-grin: :xmas-cool:


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And a little further along the coast.........


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Couple of rides over the last couple of days. Dismal weather, widespread flooding. The River Dearne has burst its banks, and the Don not far off. We are having some seriously messed-up weather. Not so many years ago there would be snow, and plenty of it.

Much mud, huge puddles, many of them. Confidence low, fitness similar. Going was slow. Today was 1°c grey and bitter. 3 degrees lower would have been better. Right hand overwhelmed by the cold becoming very painful. Too many winters (on motorbikes) taking their toll.

Sploshed along the TPT to Barnsley and back today. Yesterday was more local, discovering more dismantled colliery railway lines and climbing proper hills.

Many hardy riders undeterred and braving the conditions.

Using Velociraptors on the M2 - excellent and inspiring.

No photos small enough to post.

If it freezes maybe I'll go out again tomorrow...


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