Sunny and quite mild today.
Been fairly busy of late, felt like just staying in bed today as quite tired. Got up in the end and as it was sunny again, thats 2 days on the trot and must be a uk record surely, i put some air in the tyres and went up to Pines again for a blast.
Felt good, right up until i turned to head for home, the legs became heavy and i could feel the muscles complaining. The ride up until then though was great, still a lot of collected water on the trails from the deluge of the past days but plenty of dry fast tracks. The trails today were very busy, sunshine and all that i suppose, though the tracks up Pines were empty. The jumps spot was deserted, first time i have seen it like that for many years. I did get passed once on the trails, a couple of guys on big wheeled e-bikes who just left me for dead, i had no answer. Thought they did apologize for 'cheating' as he put it

The police were up there exercising their horses and thanked me as i went by for slowing down, didnt feel the need to tell them that was the speed i was going up the hill regardless of horses
All in all, another great day :xmas-cool:
As im having trouble getting my laptop to upload pics from my phone, pretty much given up for the time being, i have uploaded the ones from my camera, not as many or as good im afraid.