Today's Ride

Cold. Wet. Dark. 22 miles. File under "was thinking about summer the whole way round".


Dark but thankfully dry. Slightly chilly 6 dropping to 5 with a light breeze. High thick cloud with a glimpse of the sky in places. Again no pictures as it's just too dark now. Solid 21 miles on the quicker roads to get back to HQ just after 08:00. Got into a pelaton...of 2, so with me 3. One guy was super-strong and dropped me after we'd navigated our way to the top of Knockholt. His pal was looking mighty tired bless him!
Sunny and quite mild today.

Been fairly busy of late, felt like just staying in bed today as quite tired. Got up in the end and as it was sunny again, thats 2 days on the trot and must be a uk record surely, i put some air in the tyres and went up to Pines again for a blast.

Felt good, right up until i turned to head for home, the legs became heavy and i could feel the muscles complaining. The ride up until then though was great, still a lot of collected water on the trails from the deluge of the past days but plenty of dry fast tracks. The trails today were very busy, sunshine and all that i suppose, though the tracks up Pines were empty. The jumps spot was deserted, first time i have seen it like that for many years. I did get passed once on the trails, a couple of guys on big wheeled e-bikes who just left me for dead, i had no answer. Thought they did apologize for 'cheating' as he put it :) The police were up there exercising their horses and thanked me as i went by for slowing down, didnt feel the need to tell them that was the speed i was going up the hill regardless of horses :lol:

All in all, another great day :xmas-cool:

As im having trouble getting my laptop to upload pics from my phone, pretty much given up for the time being, i have uploaded the ones from my camera, not as many or as good im afraid.


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Kids are off school and already bored, so I thought I’d drag them out.... bit moist though, my legs were screaming by the time we got home... :facepalm:


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Paul R":2qrv3b5o said:
lol theres a magura brake in there somewhere

Oh yes..... with double boosters :facepalm: whereas the kids V-brakes were fine... :roll:
Quiet in here, unlike the trails today :xmas-big-grin:

A crisp December morning, iced up puddles and most of the trails were still hard from the frost so easier going at the start. The sun was out in all its glory so by mid morning the trails had started to turn back to gloop with plenty of spray thrown in, and up, for good measure.

It was a busy morning, even earlier on, full of dog walkers which were joined by horse riders and later on loads of wanna-be santa's all with their hats on :xmas-big-grin:

Quite a longish ride though mostly easy going. I braved a notorious estate which took me to the far reaches of some trails where a lot of the up hills to get there normally were missed out, of course an up the other way is a down so good times. The estate even has a little but fun bike park/track hidden in some woods :xmas-cool: It was good to get home still with energy, so much so that i am now getting ready to go out for a bike ride, motor that is :xmas-big-grin:

A great ride, though my toes will disagree as they are still numb while writing this.

Hope everyone is well and getting a bit of time out on the bikes :xmas-cool: :xmas-cool: :xmas-big-grin: :xmas-big-grin:


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Nice one! I may try a pootle in the morning but that will then be me done until the summer. Got my ankle replacement op next month Covid allowing. I'll check in here for inspiration.

Been out almost every morning but it's just too dark to take any pictures, and a thread like this needs them. Since we're over hump day, just a few weeks before things start to brighten up again.