Cold today, well, my toes were at least.
Unmotivated ride that turned into a nice long one again.
Headed out to ride a little loop, the ponds in the woods were all covered in algae, very bright green, not sure why and hard to capture on my camera, so i adjusted a few settings. Going to have to invest in a new camera soon, or start using my phone at least.
Anyway, by the time i got to the ponds, only about half hour away, i was just starting to warm-up, though my feet were very cold still, so i carried on up through the woods and over to Clipstone woods, were i did a few laps around the Pines tracks. Fairly empty today, a couple of people on the jumps, a few on the Downslope section and the only other riders i saw passed me on one of the trails going the opposite way. I soon warmed up riding up there, though the highs were soon leveled by the inevitable ride home.
Another nice day, worth the effort.