Wednesday TPT east towards Donnie.
Stepping out into the drizzle.
21 miles of slippery sludge.
Missed my turn and ended up on the Greenway before backtracking and finding the sign I'd missed.
The other side of Bentley the TPT was being dug up - looks like it's going to be paved - so took a detour along a side path, another branch line embankment, which ended where I encountered 2 sorry-looking tethered Shetland ponies close to the current mainline.
By then I was plastered in mud and decided to start making my way home.
Plodded back along to Sprotbrough crossing over the canal and under the A1 - tottered down the steep bank toward the water.
I'm paranoid about crashing at the moment as the NHS has enough to deal with without some middle-aged numpty turning up with self-inflicted daredevil injuries.
Nevertheless common sense didn't participate for the whole ride and a bit later I found myself on another very steep embankment, following a narrow bit of singletrack winding its way through the trees. My ability ran out about a third of the way down, having to bail before faceplanting a tree. Breathing a sigh of relief, after my 'lucky' off, I picked myself up, went back for the bike, and walked down the rest of the way.
Back home. Never had mud go through my tights least I think it was mud