Today's Ride

mk one":3r8qj52s said:
No riding today, 30-40 mph winds, so went for a walk instead.

Posting this from todays walk to contrast al's beautiful looks too warm picture above :xmas-cool:

Wow! That's pretty wild. It's snow season in the US and Canada; some of the shots from Kona affiliates have been pretty epic. Well worth following over on Instagram.

No snow - thank the lord - here, but instead, pea-soup gof, I mean fog. Thick and even now at noon, it shows no sign of moving on. Cold, 1-2 degrees and it hasn't budged since 06:30. Therefore good photo opportunities were out of the question but I took one all the same as I joined up on the A224 Court Road. Much earlier I'd taken a few different turns out to Lee and Lewisham before skirting back to Grove Park past a RTA (fingers crossed no injuries) to get the miles in. As a result, a solid 24 miles to kick off the week.



<edit - 16:22 and nothing changed - full on pea soup. I can't remember the last day we had when it was wall to wall fog. Pretty grim>

The fog has lifted but it's still misty. A chilly 2-3 with the odd spot closer to freezing, no breeze, thick high cloud. I decided to take in some unexplored routes and roads; fully suburban whilst the light is poor at that time in the morning. Got onto Beckenham Hill road up the small hill, past Beckenham Place park which I'm sure looks good in daylight :LOL: Then onto Wickham Way to West Wickham through Park Langley which I'm sure also looks good in daylight :mrgreen: At least the road was smooth, wide and clear. Back onto the A232 at West Wickham through to Locksbottom then Farnborough for a time check. Took a quick scoot down Church Road which was like riding in the middle of nowhere. Sadly it didn't last long onto Shire Lane, through Green St Green, Orpington and home. A relatively quick 20 miles to get the lungs pumping.

Here's a very scenic shot of Farnborough just before I popped onto Church Lane. The sooner winter is over the better.


Day dawned bleak and chill .... but by lunch the fog had mostly lifted leaving it clear and about 3 degrees. Had to drop the car off for its MOT, and the ride back is a pleasant 21k with about 280m climbing to keep the chill at bay. Lanes still damp and muddy, so took the Stumpy.

There’s a lovers lane spot half way up the hill which makes a good stop for a breather; I wonder if E.B and G.S are still in love?


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Cold today, well, my toes were at least.

Unmotivated ride that turned into a nice long one again.

Headed out to ride a little loop, the ponds in the woods were all covered in algae, very bright green, not sure why and hard to capture on my camera, so i adjusted a few settings. Going to have to invest in a new camera soon, or start using my phone at least.

Anyway, by the time i got to the ponds, only about half hour away, i was just starting to warm-up, though my feet were very cold still, so i carried on up through the woods and over to Clipstone woods, were i did a few laps around the Pines tracks. Fairly empty today, a couple of people on the jumps, a few on the Downslope section and the only other riders i saw passed me on one of the trails going the opposite way. I soon warmed up riding up there, though the highs were soon leveled by the inevitable ride home.

Another nice day, worth the effort.


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Dark but thankfully dry. Slightly chilly 6 dropping to 5 with a light breeze. High thick cloud with a glimpse of the sky in places. Again no pictures as it's just too dark now. Solid 21 miles on the quicker roads to get back to HQ just after 08:00. Got into a pelaton...of 2, so with me 3. One guy was super-strong and dropped me after we'd navigated our way to the top of Knockholt. His pal was looking mighty tired bless him!
Sunny and quite mild today.

Been fairly busy of late, felt like just staying in bed today as quite tired. Got up in the end and as it was sunny again, thats 2 days on the trot and must be a uk record surely, i put some air in the tyres and went up to Pines again for a blast.

Felt good, right up until i turned to head for home, the legs became heavy and i could feel the muscles complaining. The ride up until then though was great, still a lot of collected water on the trails from the deluge of the past days but plenty of dry fast tracks. The trails today were very busy, sunshine and all that i suppose, though the tracks up Pines were empty. The jumps spot was deserted, first time i have seen it like that for many years. I did get passed once on the trails, a couple of guys on big wheeled e-bikes who just left me for dead, i had no answer. Thought they did apologize for 'cheating' as he put it :) The police were up there exercising their horses and thanked me as i went by for slowing down, didnt feel the need to tell them that was the speed i was going up the hill regardless of horses :LOL:

All in all, another great day :xmas-cool:

As im having trouble getting my laptop to upload pics from my phone, pretty much given up for the time being, i have uploaded the ones from my camera, not as many or as good im afraid.


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Kids are off school and already bored, so I thought I’d drag them out.... bit moist though, my legs were screaming by the time we got home... :facepalm:


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