Had thunderstorms here for the last few days, every night, but only minor, and nothing compared to the absolutely amazing lightning storms every night, never seen anything like it, the whole sky lighting up white and orange showing all the tops of the clouds as far as the eye can see. I can actually hear thunder as i type this but the lightning is obviously most visible at night and has lasts for hours, well into the early hours of the morning
Anyway, today was the first ride since i tore a muscle in the bottom of my back, rode my motorbike yesterday so figured i should be ok and decided to stick to easy trails.
Just a quck loop around Hardwick, didn't really stop and it was very warm out of the cool breeze.
Glad i made the effort now and no twinges in the back so looking good for now

Anyway, today was the first ride since i tore a muscle in the bottom of my back, rode my motorbike yesterday so figured i should be ok and decided to stick to easy trails.
Just a quck loop around Hardwick, didn't really stop and it was very warm out of the cool breeze.
Glad i made the effort now and no twinges in the back so looking good for now