Today's Ride


Back in the saddle.

The sun has set on my relationship, and my East Herts / Essex border adventures will be coming to an end in the not too distant future. It's very sad, but sometimes difficult choices have to be made so that people can grow and improve their quality of life. I will be moving away from here, and for a time, back to the area where I grew up.

In the meantime the problems I've been having with my balance have abated to the level where I could manage a few miles. In today's case 34 of them.

Wandered as far as Arkesden, before turning back towards home. Mixing it up between byways, bridleways and quiet lanes mostly. Quite muddy in places, with a few large pools forcing detours. Went out early so there was little in the way of traffic.

Blustery and at times hard work as we've just caught the edge of Storm Ellen here on the Herts / Essex border. The temperature was a balmy 19°c and whilst there were grey clouds around, the rain held back until I got home.


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Today I took the train and got off again after 70 kilometers, to ride the way back home. Or to navigate home, as I tested my new cycling computer.
Luckily I've received a full refund for the buggy Garmin Explore. And even better, somebody had purchased a nos XTR seatpost QR from me the week before, with a winning bid of almost 100 € (hard to believe, but true :lol: ).
So I spent some more money and went for a Wahoo Roam. And it was worth it, so far. The way the maps are displayed is a bit confusing at the beginning, but I soon got used to it. Battery life was still 85% after 3 hours, where the Garmin would have been completly spent.

Weather wasn't really promising this morning, but ideal conditions for fenders. I went through some showers, but after 20 kilometers, the sun came out.

I've changed pedals again, as I got these DX for little money and wanted them from the start for this bike. Both had only 23 balls in their bearings when I took them apart, but cups and cones showed no signs of wear. Just new balls and pins and they are spinning smooth again.
Saint, which I had before, are nice pedals, but definitly not the right choice for touring, as their Q-factor seems to be quite high. If you put your feet close to crankarms, you will find yourself standing on that knobby part where the axle is threaded in.


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Sleep deprived and undernourished I decided to commute today. Nothing too adventurous. Too tired to contribute much.

Didn't take any photos on the way in - running late after a technical problem.

14°c and fresh going in. 20.6 miles
22°c and humid coming home. 22.4 miles

Managed to miss the rain. Tomorrow looks gloomy.

Riding home was tough. Still not 100%.


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I'm hoping the lack of updates to this thread is because you're all out busy enjoying the last throws of summer. No excuses not to be out and about!

I managed to take some well overdue leave last week so the bikes took a break and were replaced with runs and long walks. In two weeks time I have a proper week off down in deepest Cornwall. Can't wait.

In the meantime, back out there this morning. Cool 11 degrees quickly rising to 13/14 by 08:00, pretty still, blue skies and golden sunshine. I headed towards the city for another scoot on the Thames path via Greenwich, then back through Woolwich, Eltham then home. The river was super-quiet until you got to the gravel works. The roads were fairly busy but still relatively quiet for a mid-week, return to school work-day. Good to see sense prevail and those of us who can work from home, are continuing to do so. Why waste time and money on a commute to an office environment that reduces productivity?


Green dot aside, looking back over Shooters Hill on top of Blackheath common.


Looking forward towards the last big bend. At this point I turn off back up the hill towards Woolwich. You can see the ferries on the right and left.


Looking back at the same spot to the entry/exit of the Thames barrier.

What with kids off school and a fooked back i havent had chance to ride, have been doing some easy walks though to get out at least.

Havent been to Cornwall for too long :( are you taking a bike or is it just pure relaxation time?
Inspired by Al's early morning adventures i decided to go for a quick easy ride today as i had a bit of spare time. My back is feeling better but after the last ride where the day after was painful due to over doing it i decided to be more disciplined.

Like i said, just a short loop around the tracks at the back of my house, surprising how wet/muddy i got on such a short ride, must have rained a lot last night. The ride was really enjoyable and i felt good, hopefully will still feel that way tomorrow.

The old track leading away from mine, the start of the Archaeological way.

Looking up to the local hill, not much but some good short secret tracks through the woods

Looking back down and across to Sherwood Pines on the right horizon

Up on the hill, nice sunny day


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Nice work dude.

Dank ride yesterday with 2 flats so no pics from that.

New day, another new inner tube and a cracking ride around the local trails after a few weeks of going further afield. Still 13 degrees, light cloud with glimpses of sunshine, rising to about 14/15 at 08:15.

The ride wasn't without incident. First a branch decided to impel my left arm followed by a low hanging branch that I completely misjudged ducking under at speed, resulting in a one-two off another branch, landing in a heap. There's a reason why we wear helmets :lol: Shame really because I love this one but time to replace it nevertheless.

Really stoked that I finally managed to score Dario's iconic Kona-Mapei jersey in a sensible size. Happy Friday!





Don't know what is going on with the site today but logged me out twice whilst trying to post this.

Today I will be mostly going 'this way'.

No particular agenda - bit of Flitch Way, wandered up towards Easton Lodge. Couple of 'No Public Right of Way' signs offered the invitation of trespass, so I took them up on it, as this usually means there is either a bridleway or footpath beyond. I wasn't mistaken. Got a bit tired, rode around the perimeter fence of the airport, and then rode home.

I'm still having significant issues with balance. I can't look at the ground when walking or riding without getting seriously disoriented and veering off course or falling over. The meds can make me easily confused which is a bit distressing at times.

26 miles. Sedate pace to lower the risk of a fall.

Light westerly breeze at times. 15°c when I went out. Close to 20 when I got back. Lovely morning


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Friend at work is going through the same thing as you. It's taken 10 weeks to see a specialist ! Finally has an appointment in 2 weeks time.

Those old Specialized MTBs have had a real resurgence during the lock-down. So durable and reliable, no wonder there's still quite a few knocking around.

Hope the health improves because the riding and the pics look great. :)

Note to self: Don't stand underneath trees in a storm !

Dared to go out again this morning. Not as far only about 20 miles.

Hatfield Broad Oak across the fields to Great Canfield, looped around towards Takeley, Great Hallingbury, under the M11 and home.

Finding many paths, like the crops that bordered them, have disappeared under the plough.

Fell over once because I couldn't unclip in time to avoid high speed oncoming bike on narrow singletrack. Cocky teen telling me I need to learn to ride properly.

No power today. Legs felt fine, just didn't feel strong. Pace was below average but better than yesterday.

Couple of byways I've used before were very muddy, which I was unusually wary of at first. Cuckoo's Lane being one.

Lots of dappled shade under trees making photos come out big which is a shame.

About 14°c when I left slowly climbing to about 18°c. Perfect conditions for me.


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