Went out for a long steady ride today.
It felt like a warm day, though the initial ride to the start of todays ride is a nice roll downhill for about a mile, there was a nice cool breeze and for a moment i thought it was perfect riding weather... of course, as soon as i started to climb i realized how hot it actually was :shock:
Anyway, i decided to do a loop that heads across fields for most of the ride, a novelty of a ride as the area is covered in woods, only had to go through one the whole day. The route usually has plenty of colour this time of year but for some reason the farmers have left a lot of the crops to just die, so a lot of overgrown shrubland was encountered. The tracks are well trodden though so the going is smooth instead of the usual up down of ploughed fields, fine for a short spell but after a few hours would get very tiresome. Of course the down side in the open for many hours on a day like today, is the heat, no shade and the fields seem to reflect the heat so makes it even hotter.
Saw a few cyclists out today, none on the trails i was on though, and the M1 was packed, people going on holiday i should imagine, nothing quite like watching people scurrying about whilst sat in a field soaking up the rays and the moment.
Nice ride on a nice day.