Weather looks gorgeous down there al, not so up north unfortunately.
It had cooled down a bit today as the cloud cover had returned, so i decide to go for a gentle ride, which as happens sometimes, turned into many hours and much fun :
Found myself heading to Clipstone so headed up a local hill which over looked Sherwood Pines.
Then as i was feeling good and on a high from riding to the top without dabbing, i decided to ride up the Desert road. I used to ride up this on a bmx almost every day to build and ride jumps, next to where the jumps are now at Pines, and then on mtb's in the early 90's too. It is a looong slightly uphill, wet, sandy, tyre grabbing track, it is about 3 miles to reach the corner of the section of woods where the Pines jumps are now,, god i must have been fit back then :shock:
The reason its called the Desert road is because it leads to an offroad area known as the desert, actually the whole area including Pines is used for dirt bikes, and every weekend hundreds of people, from those who had just borrowed a crosser from someone elses shed, to race teams in full factory trucks used to come and ride the track on the desert. It wasnt a legal venue and one month the police came every weekend and arrested every body there, now no one goes, well in vans anyway.
This is overlooking part of the desert, there used to be no trees there years ago, all the tracks are still there but a lot of the open space is trees now.
Then some nice open sandy trails leading back around to the trails at Pines, which is the trees in the picture.
Some colour to the walls, this is on the very corner of the Pines jump spot, and the furthest point of the, red (i think?) trail.
There were a lot of people on the trails today, so i stayed on unmarked trails apart from one short fun section, and just rode through and out the other side of the Pines area.
Inspired by al's cityscape shots, here is a representation of the local area around Pines, as with most of the area, it was built on top of the coal industry, the remains of Clipstone colliery.
And inspired by rwm's ride pie shots, here are my trail treats, not quite in the same league tbh
To quote that famous Yorkshireman, it was a grand day out, long, interesting and full of great trails and memories.
It had cooled down a bit today as the cloud cover had returned, so i decide to go for a gentle ride, which as happens sometimes, turned into many hours and much fun :

Found myself heading to Clipstone so headed up a local hill which over looked Sherwood Pines.
Then as i was feeling good and on a high from riding to the top without dabbing, i decided to ride up the Desert road. I used to ride up this on a bmx almost every day to build and ride jumps, next to where the jumps are now at Pines, and then on mtb's in the early 90's too. It is a looong slightly uphill, wet, sandy, tyre grabbing track, it is about 3 miles to reach the corner of the section of woods where the Pines jumps are now,, god i must have been fit back then :shock:

This is overlooking part of the desert, there used to be no trees there years ago, all the tracks are still there but a lot of the open space is trees now.
Then some nice open sandy trails leading back around to the trails at Pines, which is the trees in the picture.
Some colour to the walls, this is on the very corner of the Pines jump spot, and the furthest point of the, red (i think?) trail.
There were a lot of people on the trails today, so i stayed on unmarked trails apart from one short fun section, and just rode through and out the other side of the Pines area.
Inspired by al's cityscape shots, here is a representation of the local area around Pines, as with most of the area, it was built on top of the coal industry, the remains of Clipstone colliery.
And inspired by rwm's ride pie shots, here are my trail treats, not quite in the same league tbh

To quote that famous Yorkshireman, it was a grand day out, long, interesting and full of great trails and memories.