Today's Ride


Two days of rain and muddy hell. Went out on the wrong tyres and the mongrel turned into a shopping trolley with a wonky wheel. Clipped-in it's scary. Lesson learned.


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Echoing the above, after 2 days of heavy showers (and therefore 2 wet morning runs) it was back in the saddle this morning. On the A'ha and semi-slicks, I had fun on some paths but managed to keep it steady...just...before I went exploring a bit further into the forbidden lands of the Crays and Bexley. Returning back to safer (!) places, I found a plaque for this dude.

hExPny.jpg ... astlereagh

No British statesman of the 19th century reached the same level of international influence....But very few have been so maligned by their own countrymen and so abused in history. This shy and handsome Ulsterman is perhaps the most hated domestic political figure in both modern British and Irish political history.

No coincidence I was riding stars n bars :LOL:

What's that? It's Friday? It's stopped raining? (Definitely not raining over there in the picture).


Lot's of fun navigating the local wet trails with semi-slicks and one gear :LOL:
Re: Re:

al-onestare":1tbmgds2 said:
What's that? It's Friday? It's stopped raining? (Definitely not raining over there in the picture).


Lot's of fun navigating the local wet trails with semi-slicks and one gear :LOL:

Some dodgy looking geezer trying to nick your front wheel by the looks of it :LOL:
Really nice day today for a bike ride. The sun was out, then in, but came out again, the wind was cool, the trails though damp were still hard underneath from the sunny spell and i had a bit of energy.

I headed in the opposite direction from recent rides, heading towards Sherwood Pines but looped back round before i reached those woods. Rode around the old sandy mx track and found a burnt out car, brought back memories of days long gone when most spots had a burnt out car parked up, some still smoldering, youngsters seem more interested in computer game cars than real ones these days, what is the world coming too :LOL: Then headed back up around some lakes which were quiet and through some woods down the side of a river which is usually too muddy to even walk, but today i managed to ride the whole trail.

Great day and great ride....


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Whoa...slip sliding away...
Great riding day today. Ventured over the border and along the Flitch Way. Got plastered in mud. Mrs not impressed when I got home. Isn't that why we do it? 20 miles or so, late afternoon. Love the peace and quiet.

Mongrel has had x-rays fitted this week. It doesn't have appropriate grips at the moment, so controls are really close, making effective technical steering quite edgy and nervous. Great fun, but the novelty wears off pretty quick. Hopefully the ones I've ordered will get here soon...

Mobile version not letting me attach photos today!
Another great day for a ride, warm wind, sun and nice dry hardpacked trails. Though some forestry type had driven what i believe to be a tank through the woods and across and down a section of trail. A lot of people out today on the main trails, lucky i managed to stay out their way on the more exciting trails.

Really fun ride and seemed to have enough energy to have fun down the trails, though i did walk one hill due to the heat, and a touch of cantbebotheredness, it doesnt help that you can see the whole hill from the bottom and though it starts off steep, it soon gets even steeper and you soon realise that it was just an illusion and in fact longer than it looked also. I walked the last few feet of another due to my chain slipping/skiping while negotiating some roots, which hurt :|


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Lovely day. Late afternoon again. About 22 miles. Nothing particularly challenging. Footpaths, bridleways, and quiet lanes.


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Picked up the first flat in a long time yesterday and had to use one of my Phoenix emergency tubes. It was proper sticky and stuck together but thankfully got me home in one piece.

Breezy out this morning, lovely and fresh but not too cold so 2 days with no jacket (but long sleeves) is a win. As above, the trails are hard packed after the recent rain thanks to the long dry spell we had. Super-fast rolling and a lot of fun to ride on.


Ride was cut short today after a front wheel excursion into a badger's sett.

I should know better...


Following an unfamiliar footpath I noticed a significant patch of disturbed earth up ahead, and by the time it I'd realised the cause my front wheel dropped away and I was somersaulting over the bars, to land on my right elbow and lower back in a patch of stinging nettles.

Fortunately, as I tumbled I managed to unclip.

Unfortunately the pedals spun and cracked the bottom of my left shin a mighty blow. Several moments of Family Guy clutching of body parts and gasping and groaning ensued.

Then I rode home....


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