Today's Ride



'Ive needed something like this for a long time to really push myself again and prove what I can do so this really was a special ride.'

Good for you Martin. Well done.
''MarinMartin'' well done that must have been hard work and sorry to hear about your friend.

It Certainly was a great day for it where I am not too hot either.


Another glorious morning so best get a blast in with the revamped A'ha, especially since we're due some showers the next 2-3 days. The legs are feeling it a bit more than usual with the single speed goodness (!) and yesterday's 10 mile run in the tank. Still, super-stoked and a lot of fun to ride :D


Well done Marion Martin. A great effort for a good cause. My daily outing is all dog walking at present. The boy needs his exercise. Home alone.

I will get our on something once the boss returns from hospital.


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Thats a great gesture Martin, and well done for pushing through.

Cool breeze this evening but with the sun coming through the clouds is was a really nice one.

I headed out to link a lane i ride down with a trail i ride, there is a path that goes across the fields which i have never taken as it cuts a large corner of a route out but as it was dry and i wasnt feeling very motivated i decided to explore. It was a nice change and though i have seen every skyline and tree around here it is always nice to see them from different angles. The field path joines a trail right where another path leaves to head through a wooded section so was able to link that up. The woods had a quite a few bluebells out, this is not even the local bluebell wood so must go and check that out too. As some of the easier trails are busy with others i ended up riding through Hardwick again then back up around a pit tip for a relaxed ride home.

A nice ride, tired but glad i made the effort.


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Two days of rain and muddy hell. Went out on the wrong tyres and the mongrel turned into a shopping trolley with a wonky wheel. Clipped-in it's scary. Lesson learned.


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Echoing the above, after 2 days of heavy showers (and therefore 2 wet morning runs) it was back in the saddle this morning. On the A'ha and semi-slicks, I had fun on some paths but managed to keep it steady...just...before I went exploring a bit further into the forbidden lands of the Crays and Bexley. Returning back to safer (!) places, I found a plaque for this dude.

hExPny.jpg ... astlereagh

No British statesman of the 19th century reached the same level of international influence....But very few have been so maligned by their own countrymen and so abused in history. This shy and handsome Ulsterman is perhaps the most hated domestic political figure in both modern British and Irish political history.

No coincidence I was riding stars n bars :lol:

What's that? It's Friday? It's stopped raining? (Definitely not raining over there in the picture).


Lot's of fun navigating the local wet trails with semi-slicks and one gear :lol:
Re: Re:

al-onestare":1tbmgds2 said:
What's that? It's Friday? It's stopped raining? (Definitely not raining over there in the picture).


Lot's of fun navigating the local wet trails with semi-slicks and one gear :lol:

Some dodgy looking geezer trying to nick your front wheel by the looks of it :lol: