Today's Ride


mike, thats ace!!!!! my ride was only a hour cruise to the bank to add money :shock: :shock: :shock: but the weather was ace, the females in central park had little on :cool: and i got to ride my dream bike...... :mrgreen: shame i spent yesterday working, this morning tidying up half the workshop, a kiddies party and no time for a proper ride

really wanted to stop in the woods as take some "arty" pics in the bluebells and snow drops, look beautiful at mo :D but was too busy enjoying the dry trails haha, making the most of it :roll:

Cheers mate ;)

I was working yesterday morning too, but got up early so I could manage 1 1/2 hrs before. Got a photo from that one, that I posted just above you on the ' no rhyme, no reason' thread

That's a nice Ritchey, Mike. Today-Sunday- We have had a few days of spring showers around here, but it is dry and 64 F. today, so we went up into the Redwoods for a quick 900' climb to check out the trails at Tamarancho...


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Thanks Pat ;)

I'm not saying I'm jealous, but I have three Gary Fisher bikes here! Why can't he come and socialize over here! :roll:
Medium jersey and shorts next time you bump into the man ;)

Always seems so dry over there !

You can really get a lick on when it's dry here, but when that compacted chalk gets wet, it's glacial!
No idea how much climbing I did as I don't have Strava, but seemed to go up and down a lot . I like hills! :cool:


You know, Mike, we have had a pretty wet and normal winter here this year, around 40+ inches of rain, after 4 years of drought. The thing is, there isn't a lot of flat ground where we ride our Mtb's around here, so the rain runs downhill and really only creates mud where it is flat-plus, I know the spots that get really muddy in the winter and avoid them :) Today-Monday-An afternoon climb about 900' up into the hills to the West, coolish, about 66 F. and partly cloudy-which is great for climbing...


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It's amazing that trees can survive in such dry conditions isn't it.
Fabulous countryside Pat, did you ride down the steps pictured? :LOL:

Mike, If I tried to ride down those steps, I'd be writing this from my hospital bed :) Today-Tuesday-Rode up about 1000' to the lakes today with Charlie Kelly and Warren K.- Warmer out, about 80 F. and sunny...


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Today-Thursday-Nice out, about 78 F. and sunny. I stopped by the museum downtown on the way out and shot this pic of the Ibis Ti full sus bike. It uses the flex of the long middle tubes for the spring and travel, and the shock to dampen it. The ride today went up Tam past Phoenix Lake aways, then back down and home...


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