Today's Ride

took my freshly built raleigh dynatech for a local run to shake it down and get some blood through the legs and air in the lungs. mostly sunny but had a miserable 10 minutes of rain, but soon dried out. trails are mixtures of dry and slop again but hey, thats off road riding eh?

only fell off once in the mud, not bad for me giving my recent crashes :(


Today-Saturday-Kinda hot this afternoon, 84 F. and sunny. We took a steep but shaded climb up to the West today...


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Today-Monday-Warm, about 80 F.-We rode up to the West today...


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Today-Wednesday-Nice out, about 68 F. and partly cloudy. Gary Fisher stopped by my place this morning, and he brought me some new cycling kit, including 3 jerseys and a pair of bib shorts in team colors! It's nice to have friends in high places :cool: Really stoked to get these clothes, so I wore some of them on today's ride-up 900' to Tamarancho for a spin...


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glorious weather, the sprog was at rainbows for an hour and half so me and the wife took a pootle down the new canal path, good excuse to shake down the dynatech odyssey ;) hope this weather holds up, enjoying riding to work as well


never took any scenery pics......damn fool

There's far too much hair going on in that photo Longun! :LOL:

Went out for a quick blast this morning, on a hot and breezy day.

Rode through to the Downs, stopping for a photo as I got to them.

Into Angmaring Park Estate, or APE for short :facepalm: Plenty of options here,

Deciding to go straight on, through the bluebells

And onto the main estate road through there,

Before turning down this gnarly little drop, looks steeper in real life

Looking back up it,

Ok on a hardtail, but a bit testing for the bingo wings on a rigid :LOL: :LOL:

This was swiftly followed by a long climb back up, and into more open terrain.

Looking out towards last weeks play area in the background.

Then down this steep little track, to come back up by the cows in the distance. Right by the gate I was heading for :roll:

Much to the annoyance of the locals!

Looking out to the west, and admiring the view. Notice the calf in the fore ground. Saw quite a few of these!

Anyway, back to business, and onto the South Downs Way. Notice bail out gear engaged! :oops: :LOL:

After which I rolled along the top, with the land dropping down on my left, to the north east

And the smell of rapeseed to my right

Then turned down a dead end road, then left along to a tricky descent I wanted to try out on my own. Can you see it just above the chalky scars in the foreground?

One of the local race heads took me down here in the week. Him on his full sus just disappeared, leaving me on the Fisher 29er to get on with it. It's bloody bumpy to start with due to horses using it I think, before getting a whole lot worse,

Where you really have to slow down and pick your line. Thankfully I got to the bottom intact, but only to succumb to another churned up bridleway! :facepalm: It doesn't look bad, but trust me, keeping any momentum along here proved a real challenge

If you look hard, you may just make out that chalky descent I'd just taken.

What goes down . . .

Yes, it was time to climb back up to the top, giving my shaky arms a rest at least! :LOL:
Climbing was the easy bit. Getting through the gate proved a bit more challenging!


I chose to go over the fence! :LOL: Looking back to where I'd come from, a mainly downhill slope towards home

But was made a bit more interesting, having seen something I'd not seen on this part of the Downs before

A mobility scooter! :shock: Hope her batteries were well charged before she left home! :LOL: :LOL:

Then back home for lunch, and to give the bike a wash

Drying off nicely in the Sun! :cool:

The End


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