The Phantom returns...

Seca Blue

Retro Guru
I've just stumbled across this forum after dragging my bike out of retirement during the Christmas break, so thought I'd say hello and show my wares etc. i never realised there was such a following of retro MTB stuff.

It been stored for several years now, and would benefit from a little love, but it's basically solid.
So, the ride in question is a Roberts Phantom, which I had made to measure over 20 years ago. Just got frame and forks and made the rest up myself, so there's a real mosh mash of bits from days gone by - Campag, Mavic, Ringle, etc.

I'll whack a pic up when I get a mo - hopefully be a bit interesting to some of you.



Hi David and welcome to the forum :)

I think I speak for many when I say 'get some pics up pronto' :D I'd love to see it in all it's Max OR goodness.
Re: Re:

raidan73":1w7gfc8g said:
Hi David and welcome to the forum :)

I think I speak for many when I say 'get some pics up pronto' :D I'd love to see it in all it's Max OR goodness.

Hi, cheers for the welcome.

I'll get a pic or 2 up tomorrow.

I apologise in advance for its rather tired appearance and questionable colour scheme, but there are some interesting bits on there. I think I'm getting back on a slippery slope with this bike lark.



Welcome to the forum buddy ;)

Sounds like you have a great bike to start you off. Word of warning though, RUN AWAY NOW! While you still have space in the house, money in the bank, and your sanity! :LOL: :LOL:
Pictures pleeeeese ;)

Re: Evening all...

Ok peeps, here we go then:






This was my pride and joy when I was a young man, but really not used it for many years. It's on slicks as I used to do a lot of road work too.
It's a full Max OR set including forks and as you can see its a pretty steep top tube and looks significantly different to the usual Phantom. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but that's how I wanted it.

So the list of immediate fixes are:

- New stem, as per my wanted post
- New bars - current ones are to narrow
- possibly change all the blue Xlite and bolts for silver
- some new rubber

May even go for a respray at some stage.

What you all think then?

That is a lovely frame, I wouldn't dream of a respray...! Bit of paint renovation and you are good to go.
I think the geometry being your design is a great point, after all it was your custom bike. Also, it was perhaps more 'of the time' to have that sloping tube, whereas the only other Phantom I've seen, although a beautiful bike, looked more old fashioned.
Mixed groupset but a fair bit of Campag.
Thanks for the photos.
I'd be interested in the frame number to compare to my Roberts bikes. Feel free to PM if you'd rather not put on the forum.

Also, the stem on there looks fine to me. In fact it would go rather nicely on one of my Roberts if it were up for grabs!!