About 1" - 2" in Malvern now. Hate the damn stuff!

What's the issue with Paj starters? Accessibility? Swapped the contacts and plunger on my 3.0TD Surf starter a few times. You had to take the fuel filter & housing off, and the airbox out in order to pass the starter UP through the engine bay as the suspension wishbones were in the way of dropping it down and out. Proper PITA!
Similar story, access. I hadn't done a Pajero one before, so when I bought this 'new' Pajero I told the guy not to worry about the starter needing done, as I would 'have it out in five minutes', and I was taking it home on a truck anyway. How daft that was!

Ended up unbolting the intercooler and filter, moving to one side, and having my help take the weight from above and guide me as I removed the bolts from underneath half way back, having dropped the front prop down and to the side. Using over three foot of extensions and a couple of knuckle joints the job was a good 'un. Really would not want to face that job in somewhere inconvenient, definitely an Achilles Heel for the auto Pajeros!

Hopefully have the new one here by Wednesday, and then the fun starts as I have to take it up to the shed and do the timing belt, flush the coolant, full service, blah, blah. At least we have a space heater up there!

Still no snow here at Flyer Mansions, how unusual for the rest of you to be getting dumped on instead!

Really should stop this off topic banter in this snow thread! Thing is, I don't have any snow to talk about!

powery snow and windy here in the eastern flatlands.

A Rover SD1 V8 starter is almost as difficult in the cold and dark requiring every socket extension we had...
legrandefromage":wbxehaff said:
powery snow and windy here in the eastern flatlands.

A Rover SD1 V8 starter is almost as difficult in the cold and dark requiring every socket extension we had...

I was initiated in the joys of colonic irrigation refitting the starter on a Beetle in Crouch Hill during a summer rainstorm. The joys of simple cars needing nothing more than two wheels on the kerb to get to most jobs! Mind you, once you have done most jobs once there is a certain satisfaction in doing them twice.

Took a Beetle engine out once in a heatwave, and the only way I could bear to work on it was in the dead of night. Working completely blind as you do behind the cowling on a Beetle, but for the whole job, I was delighted at my skills!

Great news for me now, I just sold a set of wheels and, as I had them free I am treating myself to a visit to the Mitsu dealer for the timing belt.

Should be all done by mid week, and then it is time for me to break out the spanners on my one! (And Kurust!)

Ironic that I have been hectoring the wife about the snow coming for over two months and she eventually gave in and got rid of her car just in time for me to get a cheap 4x4 replacement from someone who reckoned winter was never coming! Just a week ago! How wrong can one man be?

I have one and a half inches here in the Highlands, but no snow yet.

Boom boom.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning.

We have a good couple of inches here, with more forecast on the way, overnight.

....And I bought a hulking great 4x4 just for this moment. Tomorrow I'm gonna have me some fun.. :LOL: :cool:
Was it a Navarro?

One thing I always forget is how much momentum you build up with a bigger and heavier vehicle, really need to think ahead when it comes to obstacles.

Have you got off road tyres on it?

The thing I like about being up here in the Highlands is that there will not usually be someone blocking the road ahead in a 'summer' car.
Thick snow in North West London :( Come soon Spring be good. Be worth the wait