Rugby World Cup

Gadro":3co77sgs said:

As it turns out there will definitely be a 6 Nations Team in the final. But who will it be? Hmmmmmm I wonder. Whoever it is they will lose :)

Wales by the way :)
And so the traditional England rumble towards the final continues....

Scotland turned up in the first half, England waited 40 minutes!

Just watching the post match interview -

TV bloke " What have you got to say about the Scottish performance?"

Surprised to see Andy Robinson didn't say "Why the f*&^ didn't we play like that against Argentina?!".....
It appears that the All Blacks chances are injured:

Their only decent fly half out for who-know-how-long? with a groin problem and their almost-always-offside-or-infringing-at-the-breakdown flanker has a dickie foot. I suspect the stress levels for the home nation have just gone up considerably, and other teams are thinking their chances have improved.

Hmm injured or just resting like a couple of them were last week :D
My god England were pap this morning, i know i keeping harping on about a win being a win nomatter how it comes but i'm not sure me old ticker can take much more :LOL: :LOL:
So who's next? France i suppose, should beat them although they never usually turn up until the quarters so who knows :roll: .

I really, really hope someone finds JW's kicking boots somewhere soon as its not just funny anymore :cry:

Just seen a picture of Carter on the floor in what LD described as 'a lot of pain'. Supposedly a torn groin muscle :shock:
McCaw just a minor concern apparently :D

Looking forward, if England make it to the point where they meet the All Blacks it would be nice if those 2 aren't available :D :D
The McCaw thing is of interest, 'cos it gives an area where less scrupulous opposition may choose to target him - I wouldn't be surprised to see the Argentinians try rucking him out of the breakdown via his foot.