Sat here reading this enduring 8 hours of chemo for the dual type of lymphoma that’s on its 4th attempt to kill me….wishing you all the best fella in never needing chemo ever again.
its been a crappy few years of constant chemo .my stem cell transplant failed as well.that was fun ,then it came back yet again and transformed from non hodg lymph to hodg so i have both to play with just bought a gt fury 2012 in greta condition to get some semblance of fitness now resides in the spare room till next spring when this sack of treatment send.i should be easy to spot..riding the far eastern flatlands of norfolk with no hair and gasping for breath like a beached fish..till then its no mans sky on ps5 vr and watching my hair fall out.Gibble, you disappeared from the forum and I often wondered how you were doing. It sounds rough. That is a terrible understatement I’m sure. Keep fighting it and I’m sure we are all echoing what jonnyboy wrote.