Rugby World Cup

Always loved 'le bleus', funnily enough supported them in their last RWC game against some team who I now forget the name of. I'll have to admit that I cheered all the way. Was I sat watching in a workingmans club in one of the South Wales valleys. Nope I was actually in an Irish bar in Fuerteventura surrounded by a few other patrons also singing Le Marseilles

Allons enfants de la Patrie
Le jour de gloire est arrivé !
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'étendard sanglant est levé
Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras.
Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes!

Aux armes citoyens
Formez vos bataillons
Marchons, marchons
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons

Suppose you had to be there but it was :cool:

What you'll probably find is that the vast majority of neutral fans will never support England and will always support the opposition. I've been on a few Tours and this is very evident in the Celtic Nations. The problem with English Rugby particularly the National Team is that it exudes arrogance, in the past when they've had a good Team it could be forgiven, but with this current lot 'lost in showbiz' England have probably set themselves up as THE Team to beat, not because they are good but just to take them down a peg or two and wipe their noses in it.

On paper, with the talent, resources and money, England should have walked to the final. They didn't. Something wrongs somewhere they are NOT a Team and the Tactics against opposition has been appalling. Surely by going to the RWC they must have known that the media spotlight would fall on them. They knew they had to behave and be squeaky clean but as it is a few of those guys should never wear an England shirt again. Sorry if this sounds a bit OTT but these guys are Professionals representing their Country. The days of Rugby Tour antics at a National level have gone many years ago.

It will hurt if Wales don't get to the Final. They deserve to get there The style of Rugby that Wales is playing is what the RWC audiences want to see. Winning is important but here in Wales we love the 'game' everything is about playing the game. Following our defeat by South Africa It came as shock to a lot of people that we don't actually mind losing just so long as we play the game. Perhaps that is the Welsh failing and is why we will never repeat the 70's again. Perhaps the love of how we feel this game should be played and not being as clinical as some other Teams, particularly the Tri Nations will mean we will always be non-achievers. Mind you with a Captain who's only 23 leading the way both on and off the pitch this RWC may give a spark that can relight the fires of Y Ddraig Goch and let the Red Shirts yet again achieve Rugby Nirvana

Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi,
Gwlad beirdd a chantorion, enwogion o fri
Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwyr tra mâd,
Dros ryddid collasant eu gwaed.

Gwlad, gwlad, pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad.
Tra môr yn fur i'r bur hoff bau,
O bydded i'r hen iaith barhau.

Ahem.................It's Hat eating time by the way :)

Andy love, you've got no business pulling my boys up for not behaving.
At least none of them got nicked driving a golf cart up a New Zealand motorway :D :D
Andy Powell what a legend ;)

I think/hope you'll smash the french. that way i have at least 2 more appointments at tycroes club before it goes skint and shuts :LOL: :LOL:

Mr Powell is known to me I keep on telling him to buy man sized shirts. There are a few stories I could tell you about the boy from Brecon but the golf cart is nowhere near the worst. Being stood in Tiger Tiger thinking 'oh my God, I've lost my job' springs to mind, enough said. Think he's finally seen the light though.

With New Zealand's injuries Australia look like very serious contenders for the Final. Wales and France have a chance of winning this. France make me very nervous they are either sublime or sh*t. Hope its the latter for the Semi but if they do win I hope Le Bleus destroy the ANZAC opposition.

For the Wales v France Semi, If either of them get an early 2 score lead then you might see the losing side hit the self destruct button and fall apart. If neither Team gets a lead this could turn out into a slogging match which if it does my moneys on France. I just hope that Wales don't concede one of their great failings when playing top tier teams - giving away an easy early try :( If this very young welsh team get to the final they could finally destroy the Northern / Southern Hemisphere divide. They have the confidence and ability to really make the ANZAC's eat humble pie. The main issue I have is do they have the nerve and clinical know how???

Here's hoping

Do you have any hats? :)

I just don't see your side conceeding points in the way that england did, if you are within 5 points with 20 mins to play i'd bet quite a few pounds on a welsh victory as they are 100% for 80 mins.
I don't think France have played any sublime rugby so far, certainly not against England. It wasn't that they played particularly well, England were particularly bad.
Oh.. and while i'm slating England, someone needs to explain what a cover tackle is to Chris Ashton :?
Everyone in Wales has to just pray that little Shane doesn't stub his toe getting out the shower. If anyone is going to get a late match winning try it's him.
Rhys Priestland is out. This wouldn't have caused me any concern prior to this tournament but I now have real concerns that James Hook will not be able to control the game as Rhys has. At his best Hook is a superb player but I've just got a nagging feeling that he's going to have a mare. Major blow for Wales.

The biggest concern for me though is that Wales are very seriously being touted as real plausible winners for the RWC. Even the most die hard Wales supporters are getting sucked in. France are making me very nervous at the moment and Wales haven't won against the men in black for 55 years. We have to get past France this is our best chance and I thought I would never see Wales in a RWC Final. Once there a Carterless All Black squad could be there for the taking. (see even I'm getting sucked in :roll: )

If we win I will eat my hat, but at least I will have it with chips and a curry. I will have a wide grin on my face with every mouthful. :).

They're expecting over 50,000 in the Millennium Stadium tomorrow morning (perhaps even a full house - tickets are free but you must wear a Red shirt). If they get past France, Cardiff is going to go into meltdown the whole Country is going to go a little bit crazy. To put it in perspective, imagine if England won the RWC and FIFA World Cups, the Cricket and Wimbledon all on the same day. This small little country is going to go ballistic.

C'mon Wales