Rugby World Cup

we just seemed so flat footed. every time it went out wide we were just stationary rather than running onto the ball....

just started to watch the rsa wales game and boy do the rsa boys look BIIIIIIG!!! but the welsh look FAAAAAASSST!
TRY YES !!!!

Edit Bugger

Damn :( Damn :( Damn :( Damn :(

Deserved so much more from this performance, deserved the win BUT the Boks are so clinical and frustrated us at the end. Well done Wales, give us more. Bread of heaven

Feed me until I want no more

Should av won that one bud :D :D really unlucky thought Wales were by far the better team ;)
Having said that 'a wins a win' :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Wales are the only Home Nation Team to have lost their opening match :( Best performance by any Home Nation Team so far, yet we still lost.

You're right. A wins a win and a loss is still a loss

Booooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo boooooooooohooooo sob!