MacRetro Newbies.... Introduce yourself here:

I realised I seem to be free this Sunday. I was going to suggest a playabout on my local trails but have just remembered Keith and ZZ murmered something about another bash over the Pentlands which provide is not at stoopid o'clock in the morning I might manage.
Hey thanks, sounds like a plan.
Riding seems to be mostly commuting at the moment so it'll be nice to head away from the traffic.
When I get a chance I tend to just ride Pentlands or (more likely) Glentress, so nothing new for you folks.

Will keep'em peeled.


Hi Howie
I'm the mature good looking sensible one around here 8)
Good chose regarding the Kilauea I've got a few of them.

jackosbournesnr":14vihoqx said:
What does one need to do to get a MacRetro rider badgy-thing?

Go on a ride-out with the MacRetro crew.
Welcome BTW and I hope you've got a sense of humour and thick skin :wink:

Rob (aka) ET or Dad.
I have the dermal characteristics of an elephant. My arse is about the same size too.

I'll look into one of these ride-out thingies... I'm sensing they're off-road gigs though?

That might be a slight issue... :oops:
jackosbournesnr":2ekg718c said:
I'll look into one of these ride-out thingies...

Don't hold your breath though there's more get up and go in a geriatric ward than there's in here at the moment, my self included.