MacRetro Newbies.... Introduce yourself here:

RobMac":2b5sfur0 said:
jackosbournesnr":2b5sfur0 said:
I'll look into one of these ride-out thingies...

Don't hold your breath though there's more get up and go in a geriatric ward than there's in here at the moment, my self included.

Okay... how about I declare my Sunday morning run (tomorrow) as the next one? :P

I'll let you know how many of me turned up when I get back home.
So.. if I meet me, and me and myself go out on a MacRetro run tomorrow say, over the moors into Nortern Ayrshire do I get a badgy-thing?

If anyone wants to join me, I'll be hitting the hill at Eaglesham and heading South.

Wind dependent 40-50 miles either loop via Strathaven or Killie and the back roads around there.

I may have the arse of an elephant, but I'm really a butterfly deep-down...
Welcome aboard mate!
It's a smallish contingent in macretro so it helps if your willing to get around a bit to get to things. Brian (epicyclo) and myself are due to have a macretro road ride organised in the spring sometime so will try and get it somewhere central. I know Mr Panda was hoping to get to a ride together soon. I thought he was looking at a rerun of the Killin Macretro ride. The last few years have slowed somewhat on Macretro, I know I certainly have. A lot of it's the travel I can't always be arsed with now. We all tend to catch up at other rides or races, a lot of us tend to cross over with other cycling things too.
You'll need the elephant hide and maybe some goggles as well as there is a fair amount of good humoured faecal matter gets thrown around here.
I get down to Glasgow now and then as my inlaws live near Balloch so will give you a shout if I'm heading down.
Macretro is not just MTB, ;)

Cheers Jamie.

I'm hoping to escape to the northern wilderness at least once this year... Likewise, I'll give you a shout.

If only in the hope of getting a shot on that gigantic fatbike!
Your more than welcome, anytime. Brian was riding it the other weekend. It's a long machine when trying to get it in a little car :)
Even if you fancy getting up towards Aviemore or Inverness way just give either Brian or myself a shout as we would gladly head south for a days ride.
