GT Fan
> but alas it's not the same....
I starting to realise that now, the more I read here the more I hear how aging backs don't always enjoy the cycling position of these old bikes...
Funny you should mention the inferno, I picked one up last weekend
It feels great to ride, but I haven't done any real distance on it yet (or actually on any bike for several years now, so it's slow going).
I hope I keep liking the ride, but it's so beautiful if I don't end up riding it much I'll stick it on my wall.
Only 4?
although you're signature shows they have been very well replaced and then some!
I may or may not have bought another one, or 2
Also really hoping I can stick to just GTs, but you guys keep posting amazing photos of bikes that are not GTs
So many beautiful bikes on this forum, so many I'd forgotten about.
I can and do lose hours reading through the old threads here, bravo retrobike people, bravo
I starting to realise that now, the more I read here the more I hear how aging backs don't always enjoy the cycling position of these old bikes...
Funny you should mention the inferno, I picked one up last weekend

It feels great to ride, but I haven't done any real distance on it yet (or actually on any bike for several years now, so it's slow going).
I hope I keep liking the ride, but it's so beautiful if I don't end up riding it much I'll stick it on my wall.
Only 4?

I may or may not have bought another one, or 2

Also really hoping I can stick to just GTs, but you guys keep posting amazing photos of bikes that are not GTs

So many beautiful bikes on this forum, so many I'd forgotten about.
I can and do lose hours reading through the old threads here, bravo retrobike people, bravo