MacRetro Newbies.... Introduce yourself here:


I feel your pain, currently off the bike with a Whistler induced broken collarbone.
A word of warning about the classifieds, you'll go on looking for wheels and end up with another bike. Just ask Rob!

As a group we are always after new places to ride. I'm sure we could do a SW weekender with natural trails one day and Kirroughtree the next. Get your thinking cap on.

Welcome to the madhouse!
Re: Re:

clubby":2km1f37j said:
A word of warning about the classifieds, you'll go on looking for wheels and end up with another bike. Just ask Rob!

I resemble that remark :shock:

Welcome Andrew Im the only normal one in the MacRetro section :wink:

*waves* Er, hi all.

Not entirely a newb here - been knocking about this site since 2010, but not really active.

Anyhoo, living in Currie, with the Pentlands on my doorstep and a garage to house the results of my unhealthy obsession with retro GTs and motorbikes, figured I probably should attempt to get out and ride more. And almost immediately regretted my insistence on riding fully rigid bikes, so everything's in pieces at the moment while I make some, er, 'adjustments'.

I'll no doubt be asking a lot of questions at some point...


Glad to have you along. Just in time for our annual anniversary Glentress meet on 7th June.
Gives you a couple of weeks fettling time to get a ride ready.
Sadly, (or maybe not so sadly), I'll be in California, driving from San Francisco to Los Angeles in a Dodge Charger :)

After mid June, though, definitely up for a ride out, as long as the expected level of fitness isn't sky-high...
StealthDJ":1n2e1cxk said:
I'll be in California, driving from San Francisco to Los Angeles in a Dodge Charger :)

Aaaaw that sounds hellish :lol:
Look forward to meeting you at some point ................................. I'm easy to spot I'm the good looking one who rides like a god 8)
StealthDJ":wdz5dl6q said:
Sadly, (or maybe not so sadly), I'll be in California, driving from San Francisco to Los Angeles in a Dodge Charger :)

After mid June, though, definitely up for a ride out, as long as the expected level of fitness isn't sky-high...

Is that a Duke boys, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry Charger or a modern one ?

Also wouldn't worry too much about fitness levels, i've not been on a bike in over a year, still looking forward to Glentress (and getting out more this year)
jimihendrix":3s67ih5i said:
Also wouldn't worry too much about fitness levels, i've not been on a bike in over a year, still looking forward to Glentress (and getting out more this year)

Aye, us racing snakes will wait for you! :lol: :lol: