The other problem that I perceive with the unemployed is an almost perpetual depressive or negative state, hope seems lost and that gets comfortable, and people fall for the life of no hope but a meagre income via benefits, it is an existence at least. Once proud hard working people fall into this trap, not many can avoid it and there the routes of self medication in whatever form that takes as self medication is a time away from the present and who would not like to escape the reality of their lives now and again. I certainly don't believe drug addicts and alcohlics become what they are through choice, but poverty and addiction seem to go hand in hand, which really does say a lot about what is regarded as living standards in this country.
The further the unemployed fall away from work, the harder it becomes to be employed, not just for the unemployed, but for prospective employers as well as they do not want laong term unemployed for fear that they are lazy.
What I believe will change the status quo, is a move towards a fairer more caring country where the expectation of the poor is raised so that they believe in the country they were born into and by that belief, they work for the county's best interests, the betterment of the country and via that the betterment of their own standards of living. Communities come first not individuals of corporations.