Facebook Marketplace weirdness and scamming making it not worth bothering with...

Last year I found out that IF I paid something like £8.95 per month to facebook I wouldn't see any spammy adverts plus it authenticated my name/account, so I started to do it and it was honestly great to have no spam or anything forced, some months later they stopped it for reasons I dont know, What they (FB) need to do is start by legitimising accounts with names, but also IF they carried on this payment scheme it would also stop masses of spam and scammers because people would be using genuine names linked to their bank dets, I know its a "Tongue in cheek" thing handing over personal dets to such a site but maybe its the way forwards and then its much easier to buy from genuine people, there was a guy on marketplace months and months ago around April last year trying to sell a DH frame and his name was something like "Mister Mister" (Not the band) and I was like HOW do you expect anyone to buy from you?. Zuckerberk wont do such changes cause he needs maximum accounts to get his advertising revenue up and by deleting many millions of fake accounts would be detrimental on advert income, I recon the scheme I was on was only a tester, who knows.
Yeah, I think it's safe to say FB really doesn't care that it's created a pretty shonky and very open to abuse platform for selling - the advertising is the only thing that really matters, seeing as they make no money from actual sales. I will say the height of the scam messages might have passed, based on a few bulky but cheap items I've sold more recently.
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