Old School Grand Master
There's remote places where once it was just me,
and now it's me and 3 guys on 4k ebikes.
But that's progress!
and now it's me and 3 guys on 4k ebikes.
But that's progress!

I would’ve told him to F Off. you’re too kindI can understand if it's genuinely just a commuting mode of transport. I can understand if you enjoy DH or MTB and don't have much fitness. Again if you're old or have injuries. (I guess I do understand why people get them).
One thing that HUGELY annoyed me. I was battering the red route at Sherwood pines and I hear a voice behind me saying "wow you're flying". I look back and there's an old guy on an ebike. I waited at the end of the segment for him to pass by, he then waited for me and tailed me again saying how fast I was.
I got the impression the guy thought he was "in the gang". I'm thinking, "I don't know you, we have nothing in common, the only reason you're staying with me is because you have an engine". If a guy was riding normal bike and staying with me id be inclined to chat.
In the end I was so frustrated I turned off the trail and used some quieter bits.
I cant imagine somebody running a pb on a 10K and a guy on an electric scooter rolling up and trying to chat.
The guy was trying to talk to me when I was on the limit as well.
I also did a gravel sportive and my friend and I had a guy on an ebike tag on, it was fast and flat 50. He refused to come to the front. Thankfully his battery ran out at 40 miles and we left him. I couldn't believe I had a guy on an ebike drafting me.
That's what annoys me about ebikes.
Think I've listed the good and bad and there.
An E bike battery is an environmental disasterWe've been through the environmental impact of ebikes v bikes on this/another thread. Turns out to be nuanced and not obvious. But essentially human + more food + bike has a greater environmental impact than human + food + ebike (yes, you will on average eat more riding a normal bike because you are expending more energy - and electricity turns out to be more efficient at propelling humans than human power). The additional environmental impact of the production of a new ebike is essentially the same as a couple of large steaks. That should not be a surprise as the additional components are roughly the equivalent of a cordless drill plus a couple of batteries. Compared to a car, moped or whatever it's peanuts.
I have never paid more than £500 for an ebike - either conversion kit for an existing bike or full ebike. Here's the fiido D3 pro, for example:
A perfectly capable little ebike that does at least 15 miles on one charge over my very hilly commute. It'll also happily carry me (80kg) and 20kg of shopping up a 14% hill. Customer service is a crap shoot, but if you are happy fettling as I am then it's a good deal.
Of course, if funds are limited or you want/need the exercise - a second hand push bike is always a good choice for commuting (and environment). I would probably still be using one myself were it not for the surgery, physically demanding job and hilly commute. But our household is carless and the rural area we live in poorly served by public transport so I'm not going to lose any sleep over using a ebike.
An E bike battery is an environmental disaster
I'm still calling "baloney" on consuming less because of the eBike. I eat the same amount whether I ride or walk.
II'm still calling "baloney" on consuming less because of the eBike. I eat the same amount whether I ride or walk.
Too many straw men hereA lot of human activity is bad for the other flora and fauna on the planet. It is a matter of choice and degree. Is an ebike battery an environmental disaster akin to an oil spill? or a petrol engine? Or eating a couple of steaks?